January 6, 1975

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"BUSTED?!?!? AGAIN! You boys are out of control" I said, closing my notebook.

"It wasn't our fault" Peter said as he crossed his arms and sat on the floor.

"We need to figure out a better way to sneak around the castle. Dumbledore always knows where we are" James replied, rubbing his back.

"Like you could make a map that shows where EVERYONE in the castle is" I rolled my eyes.

Sirius and James looked at each intensely. Then they both looked at Remus, then me, then back at each other.

"Guys. You can't be serious. I was only joking" I insisted.

"Why are you such a genius, Y/n? This is the perfect idea" Sirius replied. He opened his notebook and wrote something down.

"I'm really not that smart. It's a stupid idea. I wouldn't even try to-"

"Nonsense Fawn. It's a brilliant idea"

"Don't expect me to help with this," Moony blurted out.

"Too late" Sirius responded.


"Yep, you were officially roped into every scheme when you agreed to be our friend 4 years ago"

"I'm really regretting that about now" James stood up, now pacing around the couch.

"How is this going to work" he asked "there's got to be some sort of spell-"

"You really expect us to look through every spell book in the library?" I asked, concerned with how much time this would take us.

"Yep. And it starts tomorrow. You take the advanced charm section. I'll take Herbology and Potions. James will take Defense against the dark arts, Peter can take the basic spells and transfiguration. Rem....you can take notes on whatever we find"

"So I get the most boring job?" Rem asked, clearly annoyed.

"Yeah but you get the excitement of it all. Whoever finds the spell has to report to you" Sirius chimed in.

James looked over at me.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" he asked.

I looked at him questiongly before he nodded and I yelled.


"Deal" James said, shaking my hand. I knew the spell had to be in the advanced charm section. It had to.........right?

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