January 4, 1972

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"Sirius!" I said, running up and hugging him. "We missed you," I continued.

"We? Where's Rem?" he asked as we sat down in a compartment with James and Remus in it.

"He, uh" I couldn't tell him about the awful full moon a couple of days ago that made him immobile. He's still in the hospital but mum told me to come back so as not to raise suspicions. "He got really badly sick a few days ago so he's not coming. But he'll be here in a week or two" I said.

"Oh that sucks" James said "You must miss him"

"Nah not really" they laughed "we've spent every day together for the past 11 years of our lives so it's nice to have some time away" I said.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" the lady asked. We all looked at James for permission. He always gave us money for candy.

"We'll take one of each," James said, handing the woman his money and us the candy.

"God I love you Potter" Sirius said "What did you guys do over break?" he asked.

"Absolutely nothing. I got a few presents and Rem and I played a bunch of wizard chess but that's pretty much it" I told them.

"My parents and I had a lot of fun. We went skiing in Sweden and then we came home and I had a TON of presents. I couldn't even open them all in one day" Sirius rolled his eyes "Er- sorry. What did you do Peter?" James asked.

Peter slowly lowered the book he was reading so we could see his face. He had a lot of bruises.

"My aunt happened. She always visits and gets my parents angry at me. These were the only presents I got" he said, pointing to his bruises.

"I'm so sorry Peter, That sucks. Maybe next time you can stay with Rem and I" I offered. 

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