May 24, 1974

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This was the first rainfall in months, we all knew what this meant. Sirius woke us up bright and early to go out to the forest. We all had to squeeze under James' invisibility cloak, which was a tight squeeze. Remus didn't come, so I had to ride on Sirius' back.

Once we got to the forest, we spread out, just like the instructions. Then found our leaves we had planted, which were now a bloody potion. After that, we had to drink the potion and put our wand on our heart and repeat this "Amato Animo Animato Animagus" until your animal form appears in front of you. Mine took the lovely form of a doe, who pranced around before I felt this weird sensation, I was now the doe. I hid my wand and stayed put, knowing that finding the others was dangerous. I didn't think it was going to feel so real or that I was going to have so much control while transformed.

Soon, I saw two animals coming towards me. I started to panic but I soon realized that it was Sirius and James. How, you may ask? I just knew. One was a dog and the other a male deer, stag. Crap, that better not be James I thought. There was no way we shared the soulmate patronus. I looked confused, seeing only the two of them.

The dog nudged towards the ground, where there was a small rat. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. We knew that for a smooth transition, we shouldn't stay in our animal forms too long so we all changed back. The dog turning into Sirius, the rat Peter, and the stag.......James. (ok so pretty much it took them three years to transform and you're supposed to go out every day at sunset and sunrise and repeat that spell thingy but I didn't want that to happen so let's pretend it was this easy).

"THAT WAS SO COOL" Sirius shouted.

"No, it was painful. My spine hurts" Peter replied, rubbing his shoulders.

"That's what you get for turning into a rat" James said, Sirius laughed.

"I didn't pick that," he replied.

"It doesn't matter anyway. There's a bigger elephant in the room to discuss. Something concerning a certain stag and doe, possibly-"

"There's nothing to discuss" I blurted out "lots of people have stag patronuses and so I really don't see the big deal-"

"Imagine James actually winning over Y/n. The story of the century..."

"There is no story to tell. We should probably get back to the castle, before breakfast"

"Whatever you say Mrs. Potter"  

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