September 7, 1971

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Dear Dad and mum,

Hogwarts is absolutely amazing! Rem and I were both put in Gryffindor (just like you dad). We made some friends too. Sirius, Peter and James. The five of us are the best of friends (and all in Gryffindor!). I also made friends with this girl Lily. She's in my year and we have a lot in common. I love all of my classes and my favorite teacher is Professor Slughorn. He said he has heard of you before Dad and was very impressed with your work. I've got to go, I'm headed to my first quidditch match with the boys! I miss you both so much and I can't wait to see you on Christmas.


Y/n (and Remus. he didn't want to write his own letter).

October 15, 1971

Over the next few months, Ainsley, Marlene, and Grace had become like mums to us. They taught us everything we needed to know about Hogwarts. What people to hang out with, who to avoid, what classes to take. I was very happy to have them. They helped me with my homework and if the boys were being annoying, I would hang out with them. When Sirius and James fought, which happened a lot, we had no way to resolve it so Rem came up with things called 'fight meetings'. If anyone was in a fight, Rem or Peter would act as the mediator until they figured it out in time for the quidditch game on Saturday. That was the deal, you had to resolve the argument before quidditch otherwise you couldn't sit with us at the game. One of my favorite arguments was between Sirius and Remus. Sirius wanted his homework answers because Sirius had been too busy working on a prank.

"Remus PLEASE. I am begging you. It only took me so long with the prank because of your brilliance" Sirius said.

"How do you mean?" Rem said, he looked pretty mad but I knew he was a very forgiving person.

"You were the mastermind behind it and I just HAD to execute it yesterday so your genius didn't go to waste" Sirius said, begging in front of Remus.

"But I don't like when you don't learn for yourself," Rem said.

"Pshhh when am I ever going to need this stuff in the real world? When I am a famous prankster, known for executing famous pranks that people use around the world, it's not going to matter if I know how much unicorn blood to put in a fizzing potion" I could tell that Remus was getting weaker and was about to crack. I just let it happen though because I wanted to watch the game tomorrow with the two of them.

"Okay sure. But you need to do something for me in return" Remus said.

"Anything, oh smart one" Sirius replied.

"Every month I-" Rem started to say before he looked over at me. I shook my head. Don't tell them Rem! I thought. "Every month I want a piece of chocolate," Remus finished.

"Easy, it's done" Sirius said.

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