October 15, 1975

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The boys said they didn't want to do a Halloween costume together this year. Yeah, like I was going to let that happen. But to my surprise, another round of Marauders fight counseling did just the trick.

"Okay everyone, this is a special edition of fight counseling. This week we've got Boys vs. Y/n. Representing the boys we've got James" Sirius said while James nodded his head towards me. Sirius was sitting on the floor by the fire while James and I were on opposite sides of the couch. Rem and Peter were on the chairs next to us, paying attention more than they ever had before.

"I would like James to explain our-his- case first".

"Thank you Padfoot. I think what we're-I mean I'm feeling is that it's time to go our separate ways with costumes. This way, we can split up during the parties and not look like half of a sandwich", James pointed back at Sirius "I'm sure that our judge will concur".

Sirius tried to look neutral but it was obvious they both hated my side. "Y/n, you can speak now".

"Finally. First of all, think of the tradition. This is a new development that I don't enjoy. Second, I have the best group costume ideas-"

"I beg to differ," James blurted out. I tried not to smile. I could tell he was doing the same.

James' P.O.V.:

"Oh really Potter? Let's recall last year when our costumes were so on point that the Ravenclaws wanted us at their party. Yes you heard me right, the Ravenclaws" Y/n replied.

I tried not to think about how cute she looked sitting just a few feet away from me. She tried not to smile. I tried not to kiss her.

Y/n's P.O.V.:

"Okay, okay everyone. That's enough arguing. Opposing sides, please come to your final statements. Y/n, you can go first" Sirius said as he checked his watch for curfew time.

As I looked back and forth between all four of them, I saw how much it meant to them. Maybe we were all growing up. Maybe it was time for us to do our own things. "You know what, I think you guys are right. This way we can all come up with our own costume ideas".

"YES YES YES" Sirius shouted, standing up and hugging Remus. James and I stood up at the same time as we stared at each other and smiled.

"Good game" I admitted as I held my hand out. He shook it back.

"Yeah... I think it went well" he replied. Our eye contact was unwavering.

We were quickly interrupted by Padfoot and Moony laughing and brainstorming. "This is perfect, I could be John Lennon or Superman or whatever. I'M FREE!". They both started to run up the stairs, Peter following behind.

James and I kinda stood there as we looked at the mess we had made around the room.

Sirius looked down from over the balcony. "Oh, you guys can clean up right?". He didn't even wait for us to answer before I heard their room door shut.

I bent down on the ground to pick up the chocolate frog wrappers and James started to wipe up the crumbs on the couch.

"I had fun today" I said, breaking the silence. There was a pause, perhaps a smile grew on his face.

"Yeah, me too," James agreed before taking another pause. "You know, you look cute when you argue".

I couldn't help but smile. "I'd have to say the same about you" I responded. There was more silence until we were done cleaning up and I started to head up the stairs.

"Wait Y/n". I turned around to James standing one step below me. "Goodnight" he whispered.

"Goodnight" I responded as I grabbed his face and kissed him, doing what he was too afraid to. He went back in for a second one before I walked up the stairs. 

A/N: Hope you guys liked this chapter, it's one of my favorites in a while. I'm feeling super inspired tonight so I'm definitely going to write a few more chapters and hopefully publish them soon (Wolfstar content coming soon). Also, what should Y/n and the boys Halloween costume be? 

Also, I'm writing this on June 24 (aka the day that the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade) and I just wanted to say how horrified I am and I hope that we stop taking steps back in this country. If anyone needs help or just someone to talk to, I'm always here :)

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