April 22, 1975

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Lily was the only one that knew my plans with the note. And she did tell me that she could safely deliver the note to James in his dorm. I never should have trusted her, especially after she mimicked me for not liking him.

And where had she been the past few days? Not with me. The only thing I could think to do was go to the boys dorm, and that's exactly what I did.

"Y/n, there you are!" Sirius said, running to catch up to me but I didn't stop walking. "I heard what happened with Regulus. What a crazy mixup, right?" he asked.

"Padfoot, I'm happy that you're talking to me again, but I have to get to James" I said as we both walked up the stairs and stopped in front of the door.

Sirius stepped in front of it. "I wouldn't go in there if I was you".

I thought about it for a second, thinking maybe I shouldn't go inside. "Nope" I replied, pushing past him and opening the door.

What I saw was not what I was expecting, and certainly not what I had wanted.

"Lily, I'm sick and tired of the way you've been treating me- Y/n? What are you doing here" James said, tilting his head to the side.

I gripped onto the doorknob "Oh I was just-" I looked over at Lily as she crossed her arms "-nothing. I was just nothing". James looked frantically between the two of us.

"Actually" he said, getting off the bed and standing next to me "Y/n and I made plans to go to Hogsmeade today so I can't hang out. Sorry Lily" he said as he opened the door and ushered her out.

Hogsmeade? We haven't made plans to go to Hogsmeade, let alone speak to each other the past week. "James look, I'm so sorry I really didn't mean to-"

"Y/n stop, it's okay. I've already forgiven you. I totally understand that you don't like me like that" he replied as he plopped down onto his bed.

"Right...yeah about that-"

"No, it's really okay. I'm completely fine with just being friends. Seriously"

"But James-"

"Y/n seriously, I don't want to be rejected again. Now go back to your dorm, I don't want you getting caught" I turned around and unlocked the door.

"Goodnight James" I said, turning around to catch one last look at his face. And his starry eyes, his breathtaking hair.

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