December 20, 1975

548 14 2

Y/N's P.O.V.

    It's difficult to pinpoint when your life changes. It's more of a long, gentle change that you wake up from suddenly and as you look around, you realize nothing is the same.
    This was not the case for me.
    My entire life had been flipped into a new reality and I could pinpoint the exact two occasions that had made it so. And now as the five of us sat around the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall- Sirius and Remus' hands intertwined under the table, James's hand covering mine in the light of day (he liked to make sure everyone could see)- discussing our winter break plans.
    James was off to Switzerland where his father had clients, for what business I'm still not sure. Sirius had been trite about what his family was making him do, but we were all certain it wasn't what he wanted. Peter never told us what he was up to, in fact he never said much of anything. James and I had spotted him with Phoebe a few times, but we could never get him to say anything about it. 
    Moony and I were headed back to our parents, which I wasn't feeling too bad about. They had sent us a letter which had been rather nice, telling us how happy they were to have us coming home. I hoped that maybe things had changed at home and we could finally be happy together.
    Quidditch had been canceled due to the mass amounts of snow so James and I had a free afternoon.
    "How am I supposed to go about not seeing you for nearly three whole weeks?" He whined as he stared up at the common room ceiling.
    "I'm not sure, maybe the same way you've done it every time before now?" I mocked.
    "But it's different this time"
    I knew, all too well, that he was right. Things were, and always would, be different.
    I'm not always the best with change, but I'm learning how to get better. I'm changing to get better with change. He's helping me get there. We're doing it together.

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