December 25, 1975

548 17 2

Remus' P.O.V.

    Happy Christmas Moony! Of course, it's not Christmas for me yet but I wanted to make sure this letter reaches you in time. The least I could do is try to make your Christmas special from so far away. I'm missing you a ton right about now. I've never been more excited to go back to school. Please tell Y/N I say Happy Christmas. See you in only about two weeks!

P.S. I know the present attached seems small but I'm certain you'll understand. You always do.

Y/N's P.O.V.

    Happy Christmas to the best lady I know (and happy 16 day anniversary)! Can you believe we've already been together for 16 days? I can't! I feel like the luckiest man alive! This Christmas feels extra special to me because of you! Please write back soon because I'm dying to know what you thought of my present. I cannot wait to see you again!

Lots of Love,
James P.

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