September 7, 1975

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Sleeping in the 5th year dorm this past week had been treacherous. Lily was only two beds down from mine but I hadn't spoken to her since last year. The new first years we were bunked with made sure to keep us separated as best as they could.

I'm still not quite sure what had gone on between James and Lily but I figure that it's too late to ask. Besides, James and I are happy now: secretly happy of course.

We had decided to hide it from the boys because if we ever broke up all hell would break loose within our group. To me, that meant losing the only family I had ever had. To James, that meant no more pranks.

I walked down to the Great Hall only to find the three boys huddled around some book.

"What's going on?" I whispered as I stuck my head into their little circle. The book was quickly shut by Sirius who put it back into his book bag before I was able to get a glance.

"Nothing" they all blurted out.

"Okay then" I smiled, sitting down next to Remus and across from James and Sirius. No one spoke for what felt like eternity.

"Are you excited for quidditch tryouts Mr. Captain?" (I know, I was just as surprised at how quickly he had become captain).

James looked up from his cup and blankly said "Yeah". The boys chuckled under their breath and looked between the three of them.

"Alright now I'm confused. What is going on?" I asked. At this point I seriously was confused.

"Nothing" they all said once again.

"Okay fine" I huffed, picking up my books and getting up from the table. "I'll see you all in potions then".


"Erm- hello all. Welcome to the 1975 Gryffindor quidditch tryouts. By the looks of you, cuts will be very large this year unfortunately. But hopefully that will not discourage any of you from trying out again next year. Professor Mcgonagall is here to go over some of the requirements to play on the team" James took a step back and let Minnie take over.

After tryouts were over, James said that he had a vague idea of who was going to be on the team but he wasn't allowed to tell me anything quite yet.

This entire day had been filled with things I couldn't know.  

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