Year 1 (The Year of Friends) September 1, 1971

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"Okay so all you have to do is run through the wall right there," Dad said, pointing at the wall between the ninth and tenth platform.

"Are you sure?" Rem asked, he looked really concerned.

"I'll do it!" I said, running through the wall. On the other side, was magic. A large train pulled up with kids scattered everywhere with their trunks and their pets. Rem, Dad and mum followed right behind me. The train whistle started to blow. "We better get going Rem," I told him.

"Oh I'm going to miss you so much" mum said, wrapping me into a hug.

"I'm going to miss you too. I promise to write once a week to give you a recap on my week. Rem will write too. Won't you?" I said, nudging him. He was completely mesmerized by all the magic. "He will, trust me" I whispered to them. mum walked over to say bye to Rem so it was just Dad and I.

"You're going to be a star kiddo" Dad said ruffling up my hair.

"I promise" I said "You're going to send me packages right?" I asked him.

"Of course, they'll have all the essentials for Hogwarts. Trust me, I was Head Boy" he said, looking all proud of himself.

"Bye!" I yelled at them as Rem and I barely got on the train.

"Now we've got to find somewhere to sit," I said to him. We walked down a bunch of aisle until we found a compartment that wasn't jam packed.

"Can we sit here?" I asked the boy in the compartment.

"I guess" he said, moving some of his stuff off the seat next to him.

"I'm Y/n and this is Remus, we're twins" I told the boy, he looked unimpressed.

"I'm James Potter" he said "pureblood" he added.

"Oh, nice to meet you. Is this your first year too?" Rem asked him.

"Yeah it is. I haven't really met anyone else yet so I guess you guys are my first friends" he said.

"COOL" Rem and I said at the same time, high fiving each other. James looked a little confused.

"We move a lot and we've never had a real friend before," I said.

"Consider me your first. I'd be honored" he said. The rest of the train was quite fun. We got candy off the trolley and talked about Hogwarts. Rem and I were very careful as not to bring us his werewolf business.

Once we had arrived at Hogwarts, it was time for the sorting ceremony. The three of us we're all sorted into Gryffindor; for the brave. 

Once we were back at the common room, we sat down on one of the couches.

"Hello" two boys said, walking up to us.

"Hi," Rem said.

"I'm Sirius Black and he's Peter Pettigrew. We're first years" one of the boys said.

"We're first year's too," James said. The five of us talked for several hours. We had all had seemingly lonely childhoods. Peter's parents did not care for him and he was an only child. James was just an only child, as was Sirius. Apparently all of Sirius's family was in Slytherin and they were always mean to him. He had a younger brother, Regulus, who would come to Hogwarts in two years. They didn't get along very well. One of his cousins, Bellatrix had graduated a few years ago but his other cousin, Narcissa, was a fifth year. We had all been pretty lonely our whole lives and I think this is why James did what he did.

"We should make a pact. Saying we'll stick together throughout Hogwarts" James said, sticking his hand out. We all put our hands in the center.

"We should call ourselves the Marauders," Sirius suggested.

"Why? What does that mean?" I asked.

"Marauders means someone who gets into mischief in French. I learned it when we vacationed there a few years ago" he said. Peter rolled his eyes and we all laughed.

"Works for me," Rem said. We all put our hands in the middle and then sat there.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Peter asked. Sirius just shrugged his shoulders.

"I thought something was going to come to me," James said, smiling. We all stood up and went up to bed. I walked into what seemed to be the girls first year dorm.

"Hello?" I said, no one seemed to be in there. There were still a lot of kids downstairs. A girl peeked out from behind one of the beds.

"Oh hello" she said, "My name's Lily. Lily Evans" she said, sitting on the only bed that had things on it.

"I'm Y/n. Y/n Lupin" I responded. I walked over to the bed next to hers. "Is this one taken?" I asked.

"No, it's all yours" she responded. "So where did you live? What's your family like? Did you know you were going to be a witch? Do you have any special talents?" she said "Sorry, I ask a lot of questions.

"Don't be sorry! People always tell me I talk too much. Probably comes from a lack of people to talk to" I said, we both chuckled. "I want to answer each and every one of your questions" I said, starting to put my stuff away. I stuck to my word. We must have talked for hours before one of the professors came upstairs.

"Oh hello girls. I have just received news that you are the only two Gryffindor girls in your year so we've decided to bunk you with some fourth year girls. They only have three students. Come with me, and bring your stuff" she said, pointing to our bags in the corner of the room. We walked into a dorm room that looked much nicer than our previous one. "I'll let you two get settled," she said, leaving the room.

"Er- Hi. My name is Y/n Lupin and this is Lily Evans" I said, pointing to Lily. She just waved. The three girls were sitting on the floor, in their pajamas. A girl with black hair stood up.

"Hello, I'm Grace McKinnon. That's Ainsley Diggory and Marlene McKinnon, my twin" the twins looked very similar whereas Ainsley had blonde hair and was at least 5' 10. I could tell that Lily and I were both hesitant to sit down.

"Come sit with us" Marlene said, ushering us over to them "We'll tell you everything you need to know about Hogwarts" 

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