chapter thirty seven - social media

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My eyes flutter open to the bright hotel room, I notice the curtains are open and the hotel room is basically silent.

I slip into the bathroom trying not to wake up Madison.

I throw off my pijamas and jump into the warm shower. I shave my legs, wash my body, face and hair before turning off the water and getting out.

I take off any remaining makeup and use a face wash and scrub before towel drying my hair and throwing it into a messy bun.

In around twenty minutes I'm out of the bathroom and as I walk back into the room my phone gets a message.

Queen Trevor: Breakfast in 10 bitch I'm saving you a seat x

I decide to wake Madison up seeing as I don't want her to miss breakfast.

"Madison, get up" I yell from the vanity as I begin moisturizing and priming my face.

She doesn't reply so I walk over to her bed and throw the blankets to the floor.

All that lays on the bed is three pillows and a note sticky taped to one of them.

I snatch it off the pillow and sit on the bed to read it.

It reads,

S'up bitch. So, I'm not very good at writing letters but unfortunatly as you're reading this I'm on a plane back to LA. My management wants me out there to work on some new music and seeing as practically everyone hates me now, you could say I didn't have many second thoughts. Have fun in the room on your own (you love me haha)

Besides that, I'm glad I got to know you in the little time we had (we'll definately have to go early morning starbucks-ing some time soon)

Don't miss me too much, hit me up when you're back home and I'll fly out to visit you - promise.

I hope the tour treats you well.

Love you & be careful

Madison xo

I'm slightly confused over Madison's sudden departure from tour however, seeing as this was what she wanted she would probably be a lot happier in LA.

I fold the note up and put it on the bed side table.

I decided not to be upset over Madison and focus my mind on my make up.

I do my full routine before digging through my suitcase and grabbing black jeans a white shirt and my olive coloured bomber jacket.

I roll up the bottom of my jeans until they meet my ankle bone, then I put on my white nike's and lace them up before spraying perfume on myself, grabbing my phone and leaving the room.

Before going back in to the room and changing into a baby pink romper and putting my Nike's back on because Andrea always tells me I dress too dark and that I should embrace summer.

Like she can talk.

Anyways, I like the combination of the simple pale pink romper and the Nike's so I go with it.

Out of habit, I stick my head round the door before actually leaving the room, but as expected, everyone is already down at breakfast.

I check the time on my phone, it says 9:55, meaning I have five minutes to get to the first floor.

I grab my key off the counter in the kitchen that none of us have used yet and make my way to the elevator.

At breakfast, I'm greeted by a bunch of screaming girls who want to take photos with me.

I'm not only surprised that they wanted to take pictures with me, but also at the fact that there was no catch.

No can you give Cam my username.

Or could you get me a video of Nash.

Not even a can you tell Shawn I love him.

They only want photo's and follows from me.

I let a couple of them take selfies for my snapchat story which they ask me to make public so I do.

They each tweet my snapchat name and one girl with long blonde hair has like one hundred thousand followers on her fan account, basically loads of people add me.

"Sarah" one of them yell and I turned to meet her iPhone 5s pointed right at me.

"Why are you so innactive on twitter"

"Because I can't social media for shit" I say and they all laugh before the girl types something on her phone and then locks it.

They all thank me and run off, before a professional looking man shows me to a room with a buffet set up especially for us and all the others are talking and laughing.

"GUUURL" Trevor screeches.

"Babe" I laugh and walk over to the seat that he's patting like a dog.

"Told you I'd save it" he winks and gets up with his plate.

I take my seat and as soon as I look up I'm greated with Morning Face Gilinsky, in a beanie, looking down at his phone.

I ignore the electric shocks running down my spine and decide to get food.

I come back to the table with two pancakes and the jar of syrup.

"Did you hear about Madison?" Andrea whispers on my left.

"Yeah do you guys all know?"

She nods and so does Mahogany across from her.

"We all do" she says.

I nod and continue eating.

I hear Nash's laugh from down the table and hear an audio recording being played.

I listen closer and hear I can't social media for shit.

I laugh at the fact that the video has already gone round so I decide to tweet,

Seriously if anyone is interested in teaching me how to social media. Hmu

Since I'm deciding to be social, I open up the vine app and saw a crap load of new followers.

I better start making vines then.

My first notification is a tag in a vine.

I press on it and Cameron Dallas comes up.

The vine starts with Nash saying "Sarah, why are you so inactive on twitter?" in an overly obnoxious girls voice.

"Because I can't social media for shoelaces" Cameron says with a stupid look on his face, obviously not wanting to cuss on Vine, followed by a signature Nash laugh.

The vine was only posted a minute ago and already has loads of revines and I'm gaining loads of followers.

I'm going through my notifications when a text pops up on my screen,

Andrizzle: Jack won't stop staring at you - he literally hasn't blinked in ages. Someone get this kid some eye drops.

I can't help but smile to myself and I have to fight the urge to look up and meet his gaze so I focus my eyes to my phone.

Across from me I hear Johnson say "dude, stop staring at her, it's weird"

I keep my smile under control as I look up calmly and pretend to listen to someone else's conversation.

He chuckles and looks down.

He looks back up at me but leans into Johnson and says "I can't help it, she's hot" whilst maintaining eye contact with me, knowing I can hear.

I blush vigorously and look back down at my phone before Ken tells us to go out to the cars so we can get to the venue.

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