chapter thirty eight - stage kiss

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Today's meet and greet went by reasonably quickly, nothing too exciting. Some nice fans, some not so nice.

The show has finished and we were all getting ready to leave.

A security guard has informed us that there are still a load of girls waiting outside but we are supposed to ignore them.


As I make my way to the door with Trevor I am suddenly stopped by a muscular arm holding my waist.

I'm turned to face Jack with a massive grin on his face.


He smiles and slings a sweatshirt over my shoulder.

I look at him oddly and retrieve it to see it's the Nebraska sweatshirt from last night.

"It looked better on you" he smirks.

"Perfect timing, I was freezing" I laugh and quickly pull the fabric over my head and down my body. It looks odd with my romper but it's baggyness makes it okay.

"You know" he starts and slings his arm over my shoulder, "you should feel flattered"

"Why's that?" I laugh and drape my arm around his waist, looking up at him.

"I've never let anyone wear my clothes, it's my pet peeve, that and people messing up my hair" he says as we leave the building to be greeted by loads of screaming girls waiting by the gates. The others go up to the fences to talk to fans.

"Like this?" I reach up and mess with his hair, making it look shaggy but he still made it look perfect.

"Oh, now you've done it" he growls. I giggle and try to run away but he gets a firm grip around my waist.

He pulls me in and yanks the drawstrings of the sweatshirt, engulfing my face in the hood.

"Jack" I groan, barely noticing the fans inaudible screams.

He laughs, loosens the strings and pulls down the hood.

I'm then faced with a fence of yelling teenage girls.

One girl yells hoe and it takes every part of me not to jump over the fence and slap her fifty layers of makeup off.

I turn back to him, "Jack they're screaming at us"

He looks around, "then give them something to scream about."

I look at him questioningly but he just smirks at me.

He grabs my wrists and pulls me into him, his hands trail up my back until they reach my neck, shivers run down my spine as he pulls the hood over my head.

I catch on and decided to lace my arms around his neck, pure adrenaline taking over my body.

A playful smile takes over my face as Jack rests his hands on my cheeks.

He leans closer and closer and just as our lips lightly brush against one another he moves the pads of his thumbs to my lips and presses his against them.

I'm not sure whether or not I was surprised that Jack and I didn't actually kiss, however the girls literally loose it.

They were screaming their asses off, some were yelling get that pussy Jack others were calling me names but what did it matter, I love the attention and the buzz that being around Jack gives me.

One girl yells why the hell is she wearing his hoodie and I looked up to see six girls climbing over the fence and I notice that the security guards are no where to be seen.

Jack looks down on me, "it's all about showing people that they don't bother you by doing what annoys them even more"

Before I get the chance to respond, Jack is being pulled away from me by three fans.

"Woah woah, ladies, calm down" Jack says slowly but still with that signature smirk across his face.

The girls start asking him to sign things and record things, I'm just sort of standing there awkwardly looking at my locked phone screen.

"Jack, can you tell your booty call over there to go away, she kind of looks like a lost puppy" one skanky girl says and the other two giggle along.

I look over to Jack for back up but all his attention is towards the fans.

"I'm not his booty call you skank" I mutter.

"What was that? Oh right, you're his girlfriend. Yeah I don't think so hun" she says bitchily.

Again, Jack says nothing.

"For sure, me and Jack have hooked up loads, haven't we Jack?"

Jack says nothing.

"Yeah right, anyone can get a staged kiss babe" another girl laughs.

Jack says nothing.

"Yeah look" the girl grabs Jacks head and places her thumbs over his lips, she presses her lips to her thumbs and I'm fighting the urge to snap her neck.

When she's done she looks back at me, I look from her to Jack and Jack's face is emotionless.

He says nothing.

A message pops up on my phone from Andrea saying we have to leave soon.

"Okay well as much fun as this was, I need to get going so you guys knock yourselves out" I say coldly and begin to walk away before Jack calls my name.

I choose to ignore him, "try not to catch any of their STDs Jack" I mumble under my breath.

"Don't think that just because you're fresh meat means that you matter any more than anyone else, Jack doesn't even like you an-"

"Jesus christ, I'm tired of people telling me that Jack doesn't like me, does nobody have anything better to talk about?"

"Sarah wait one second" Jack says from behind the swarm of girls.

"No Jack, I think you've made your point pretty clear thanks.

"Hey, we're not done here" a tall brown haired girl walks up to me.

"Oh I think we are, and by the way, you might want to pull your skirt down a bit. You're not exactly leaving much to the imagination" I sneer and walk away.

Before I can get away, the girl pulls at the hood of Jack's hoodie and before I have any time to react, her fist is flying towards my face.

That's about all I can remember.

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