chapter fourteen - show number one

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We are all lined up backstage, Mahogany is already on with Shawn as they are going to be introducing us all.

In all honesty, I'm scared shitless.

I know nobody will actually know who I am but I was still getting anxious.

Nash must have noticed me loosing my Jenna Marbles so he takes his massive hand into mine.

I smile at him but in all honesty his gesture didn't help and I'm still freaking out.

All of a sudden, out of no where, I hear the curtains swish open and what sounds like a million girls scream their heads off.

"WHAT'S UP DENVEERRRR" Shawn yells over them.

"How are y'all" I hear Mahogany.

"We are so happy to be on tour here for You-Con and although we will only be doing ten shows we're so glad we could open with you guys!" Shawn yells.

"So without further delay.." Shawn introduces all of us and we run out as he says out names.

"Nash Grier" oh shit.

I'm next.

"SARAH RUSSET" he yells especially loud.

I run out on stage and Nash grabs my hand again but to be honest it feels so surreal. Kind of in a good way. It's such an addrenaline rush.

The sea of teenage girls never seems to end.

Then again, I'm not wearing contacts.

Nash starts with some game which was like a quiz and the winer would get a follow.

I'm not really paying attention because I'm sat at the front of the stage with some of the fans in the front row.

The whole thing is pretty chill. We're all just kind if goofing around on stage.

I'm sitting with my legs over the stage facing towards the barrier holding back the fans.

"SARAH" a small girl with braces screams.

"Yeah?" I smile kindly.

"Oh my god I can't believe it's you!" she squeales.

"You know me?" I laugh.

"Um yeah? You're my favourite non-super-famous youtuber" she screeches.

"Oh my god thank you so much" I blow her a kiss.

"Could I get a photo?" she asks hesitantly.

"For sure!" I sqeal.

"Excuse me, could you please let this girl through?" I whisper to the security guard standing between the stage and the barrier.

"Sure things ma'am" he replies.

The girl is let out but only into the six foot space between the stage and the barrier.

"What's your name?" I ask.


"Like from the Vampire Diaries?" I half yell.

She chuckles and nods.

"I love it!" I giggle.

She slides up her camera and politely asks the same security guard to take the photo, he happily obliges.

"So who's your favourite?" I ask gesture to the boys smacking each other on stage.

"Hayes" she blushes, you guys are so cute on his snapchat.

"You know what would be even cuter?" I say casually.

She looks at me confused, "you on his snapchat"

She stares at me blankly before cupping her mouth with her hand and then screaming and hugging me.

"Are you joking" she cries.

"Stay here"

I climb back on stage and walk over to Hayes who is talking to Cameron.

I gesture for him to follow me and he happily does.

When we get to Elena, the girls behind her start screaming at the top of their lungs and Elena looks like she might faint.

"Oh my god" is all I can make out from her noises and Hayes happily embraces her in a warm hug.

I take her phone from the security guard who had just taken a photo of us and begin recording their hug.

He followed her on twitter and took a bunch of cute photos with her before giving her one last hug goodbye and jumping back on stage.

"You're actually my favorite person ever thank you so much" she engulfs me in a massive hug which I happly return.

The next hour is basically just spent doing whatever we want, we made vines, sang songs, did challenges, danced and invited loads of fans on stage.

I'm surprised at the amount of fans that know me, or pretend to maybe.

I follow anyone who asks and I take pictures with over a hundred girls.

I also bring Nash to meet a girl called Emily and Shawn to meet a girl called Hope.

A couple of girls even ask if I would sign stuff for them which is really odd considering I don't even know a signature to use.

When it comes to the end of the show, Shawn finishes it off by singing life of the party which I happen to know the words to.

We are all singing and swaying to Shawn's heavenly voice.

Madison and I are slow dancing and pretending like we don't suck as we stumble all over the place and laugh like idots.

"So baby be the life of the party"

Shawn finishes the song and we all thanked everyone and wave goodbye.

The girls continue screaming and crying as the boys walk off and the curtain closes.

I wink at Elena and she mouthes 'I love you so much' which makes my heart flutter knowing I have gained my first fan.

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