chapter fourty - rachel white

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shoutout to @drunkenjacks because asshole was on the 'other stories you might like...' in bad expectations which is like asdfghjkl and if you arent reading it then idk what you think you're doing with your life


"I understand you're probably very confused right now, allow me to explain as well as I can" the man says whilst walking to the end of my bed and the others move to my sides.

He opens his beige file and pulls out a photo of a girl that instantly sends shivers down my spine.

"This is Miss Rachel White, your attacker"

I wince at the word. Why is everyone acting like this is some full blown murder investigation?

"When you choose to do so you may press charges and sh-"

I interrupt him once again, "I'm not pressing charges" I mumble.

Everyone looks at me.

"Sarah" Sammy starts.

"I'm not pressing charges, I just want this all to be over" I groan.

Everyone looks around awkwardly before the doctor continues.

"Right, we'll forget about Rachel for the time being"

I nod to thank him and he carries on.

"You suffered one punch to the chin which brought you to the ground where you hit your head" he says and I look down to my hands, not wanting to face him.

He pulls out what look to be x-rays from him file. "The fall knocked you out and the punch obviously did that to your lip. You received one last kick to the head before" he pauses and squints to read something in his file "Jack Gilinsky pulled you out"

"It's the least he could do" Andrea mumbles and I lightly hit her however I am not trying to defend him.

He closes his file, "if you feel the back of your head, right at the back, you'll feel some slight bruising"

I hesitantly press against the back of my head and wince from the pain, "there it is" he smiles.

I try to smile back but can't find the effort.

"Sorry for all the seriousness, but since you're with a tour and you have a management and etcetera we had to treat this case with out utmost care"

"This isn't a case, can I please just leave"

I instantly feel bad for my obnoxious behavior towards the man but I really can't take all the attention anymore.

"Lucky for you, your concussion should have cleared by now but I will have to ask you to stay awake for at least another four hours because falling asleep within a short window of having a concussion could lead to serious problems"

I nod but all I really want to do is go to sleep, could this get any worse?

"Right, is that it?"

He pulls out a plastic bag, which Andrea takes, and explains how I need to rub this cream on my lip once a day at night time and take these tablets if I ever feel concussion symptoms.

I'm hoping that the others were paying attention because my mind is a million miles away.

He tells me where my clothes and belongings are and I command everyone to leave so I can change, despite protests from Sammy.

After I have changed and retrieved my phone from the plastic bag, I join the others in the hallway outside my room.

Once we started walking I begin to feel slightly dizzy but I just ignore it.

Trevor must've noticed because he intertwines our fingers and we walk out of the hospital like the cute-ass best friends that we are.


Luckily when we get back to the hotel the others had gone off to do interviews or something so it was just Hayes, Sammy, Trevor, Andrea and I.

Even though I don't know Sammy or Hayes as well as I knew Andrea and Trevor, I really click with them and I know I feel safe with them.

We all go to Sammy's room and I immediately sit down on the couch.

"Remember not to fall asleep" Hayes says and I thank him.

"So what actually happened?" Sammy questions.

"I don't know" I lie.

"It's all kind of blurry" I half lie.

"Try your best" Hayes says.

I sigh, "I don't know I was wearing Jack's hoodie and" that reminds me, where is Jack's hoodie.. "um, some girls came up to us and started making fun of me and asked if I was Jack's girlfriend and said that I was just another one of 'his girls', to which Jack said nothing. Then, like the stupid person I am, I decided to start insulting them back which.. didn't exactly work" I try to forge a smile but it comes out as more of an undeterminable expression.

"Idiot" Andrea mumbles, referring to Jack.

I shrug, not wanting to discuss him any more than I already have in my mind.

"Someone's got a mouth on them" Sammy laughs.

"You have no idea" Trevor adds.

I'm not too sure whether I'm planning on ignoring Jack for the rest of the tour but I sure as hell won't be going on any more pizza dates with him.

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