chapter sixteen - natascha

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The boys look confused until they see the serious emotion spread across Shawn's face and something seems to click with all of them.

All their faces drop and they put down their food and drinks.

"Shit" Cameron mumbles as he jumped out his seat and everyone runs out the restaurant.

I follow behind them, slightly confused.

Very confused.

When we get into the car that Ken had ordered to take us there and back, there is a tense silence.

Nash and Hayes pull their phones out and quickly diall seperate numbers from their contacts.

They hold their phones to their ears and eagerly listen to the ringing that we can all hear perfectly, due to the silence.

"Fuck sakes" Nash mumbles, hanging up after about a minute of ringing.

"Same here" Hayes replies.

"Johnson and Sammy both aren't answering"

"Sorry, what happened again?" I ask.

"Jack's drunk"


Why can't Jack be drunk? Everyone was really in to it when he suggested ordering alcohol for the bus? And besides, judging by the way he acts, I would definitely assume that he'd be the type to drink frequently.

"No you don't get it" Cameron sighs.

Something tells me this is about more than alcohol.

"Enlighten me"

I can't help but feel no sympathy for Gilinsky, considering he's a jerk and it's not the boys' fault he's drunk.

The boys sigh and look at each other.

Hayes nods to Nash.

"Basically, a couple years ago we were on tour and there was this girl, Natascha, Gilisnky had a thing for her, like a real thing, they weren't really dating but they would hook up and you could tell he really liked her.." Nash's voice fades off and I find myself with my mouth wide open.

"Is that even possible" I mumble with a wild look spread across my face.

Nash nods at Cameron to continue.

"Um yeah, he wasn't always like this, this was before, the old Jack. But yeah, one night some of Gilinsky's.. old friends came to the tour bus and they brought alcohol. Gilinsky got really really drunk and when Natascha got back he was being reckless and smashing stuff. She tried to calm him down, she tried to talk to him but he shoved her and she.." Cameron chokes on his breath and is unable to continue.

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