chapter eight - sports bra

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As much as I love the tour bus. It could do with some curtains. If you don't remember, the whole back wall is one big tinted window. So basically we can see out but nobody can see in.

The only exception is the sun which can creep through at any damn time and it woke me up at 5am.

Madison is fast asleep on the mattress in the far corner of the room.

Andrea is snoring away on the middle of her mattress near the bathroom door.

And Mahogany is rolling around sleep mumbling a good four feet away from her mattress.

I get up and grab whatever resembles lazy clothes from my suitcase and then throw it back on the pile with the others.

I tiptoe to the bathroom making sure not to trip over the rolling bundle of red hair that was Mahogany.

When I get fo the bathroom, I peeled off my clothes and throw them in the hamper I notice in the corner behind the door.

It's a reasonable sized bathroom. In one corner there was is jacuzzi style bath tub and in the other there is a frosted glass shower.

The mirror in front of the basin is massive which will come in handy when all five of us are trying to change and do our makeup and our hair and figure out whether we like what we are wearing or whether to change another seven times until we finally go back to our original outfit.

I pull my black sweatpants over my legs and then put on my blue sports bra with the nike tick on the front.

I open up my toiletry bag and considering I can't see I decide glasses are a mandatory first step.

But first I washed and moisturised my face then decide that brushing hair would be far too much effort so I put in a bun

I decide to skip a shirt as nobody will be awake at this ungodly hour.

I grab Andrea's key off the table because I realise mine is still in the pocket of my shorts in the hamper which I honestly am not willing to go back for. Let's hope I remember to take it out before someone decides to do the laundry.

I walk quietly towards the door and as usual I am extremely hungry so I decide the kitchen will be a good first stop.

As I suspected, the den is empty and I was just hoping the same would go for the boys' room.

As I flung open the curtain I found all ten shirtless boys either sleeping or on their phones.

Queen Trevor is the only one wearing a shirt, which of course has Beyoncé on it and his pale legs are flung over the side of his bunk which happens to be on the top row which meant Trev's feet were dangling right above Carter's face.

Luckily he was fast asleep.

Next to Trevor on the top row are Nash and Taylor who are both glued to their phone screens. Why are they up so early?

On the bottom row is Carter and Jack Johnson who were all fast asleep.

On the right hand side of the hallway on the top row was Cameron, Gilinsky and Sammy who are all awake and on their phones.

On the bottom row are Hayes and Shawn. I'm not sure whether they are awake or not as all curtains are closed.

I was so close to making it to the kitchen unnoticed but it was just too good to be true.

"Glasses. Hot" Taylor mumbles and as I look up.

"Shit" Cameron extends the word.

"You're looking at the glasses? I was looking more towards the sports bra" Sammy smirkes.

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