chapter fourty two - you're**

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And that's it?" Andrea shrieks.

"You just forgave him?" she says even louder.

"Andrea shut up" I groan, throwing a pillow at her already made up face.

"This happened two days ago and you didn't tell me?" she continues.

"Yeah well since we have this whole week off, I haven't seen him so I sort of forgot"

She stares at me with disbeleif floating in her green eyes which she insists are brown but I've always seen them as green, "It's far too early to deal with you right now" she rolls her eyes and leaves the room.

I laugh at her dramatic tendancies and finally shuffle out of bed.

As for the whole Jack situation, glad is an understatement as to how I am feeling about it.

I'm not one to linger on people's mistakes and to say his argument was justifiable is an understatement.

It was, wasn't it?

Whether it was a lucky guess or not, Jack hit the mark about every single one of my insecurities and considering I've never had someone invest that much thought in to my feelings ever before, I decided it would be fine.

It would, wouldn't it?

Since today was an off day I decide that going down to breakfast in my sweatpants and tank top would be just fine.

I grab a sweatshirt which I put on after realising that covering up may be a tad more sensible.

So basically I'm dressed in grey sweatpants and my navy blue school sweatshirt. Fashion.

The corridor is quiet when I leave the room so I quickly make my way to breakfast seeing as I'm probably late.. again.

When I finally get to the dining room , I notice the others at the usual table and join them.

"Exactly ten minutes late, hah, told you" Nash says to Cam.

Cameron rolls his eyes and digs into his pocket before retrieving a twenty dollar bill and shoving it in Nash's hand, a smug look painted across Nash's face and a sour one across Cam's.

"Just the fact that you have twenty dollars spare to bet on my arrival time" I mutter and take a place between Nash and Mahogany.

As usual, I find myself looking out for Gilinsky, but this time he seems to be doing the same.

When our eyes meet he smirks and I look away and quickly unlock my phone to save myself the embarrassment.

A message pops up at the top of my screen from an unknown number.

It reads,

Can you stop staring at me? I know I'm beautiful but it's kind of awkward:/

I instantly identify the sense of humor as Jack's so I save his number to my contacts before replying.

Sarah: Keep telling yourself that

After sending the message I look over to him and catch him smiling.

He should really do that more often because it's really attractive.

Jack Gilinsky: HA HA, very funny. Come sit next to me. I love Carter but he won't stop bitching about Madison.

My stomach flutters and I look over to see a space between Carter and Gilinsky. Jack is absent mindedly nodding to whatever Carter it saying.

Jack notices my gaze and rolls his eyes at Carter.

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