chapter twenty nine - watermelon

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For the next hour and a half, Trevor, Jack, Hayes and I are playing house maid for the others who are throwing up all over the place.

Everyone is wandering around the room like zombies, stumbling and groaning.

"This is impossible" Hayes mumbles.

"He's right, we can't collect all of their vomit by fucking chasing them around the room as soon as we hear gagging" Gilinsky agrees.

I try to think of a plan to ressolve the situation, "okay, I want all of them on the couch, going from most to least drunk, tipsy ones on the left and wasted ones on the right"

Everyone looks confused but nods and splits up, grabbing people and sitting them down.

The most drunk people are placed on the right and then the less drunk were sitting towards the left.

From right to left is: Sammy, Carter, Cameron, Mahogany, Nash, Shawn, Madison, Andrea and acquiring the least drunk position is Johnson.

"Okay listen up alcoholics, the code word for I'm gonna throw up is, from now on, watermelon so before you vomit you need to yell watermelon so one of us can get to you." Gilinsky stands in front of the couch, only receiving a small amount of attention from the others.

"And if you don't I'll put a post it note on your throw up with your name on it and you have to clean it up tomorrow" I shake a pack of post it notes in the air.

Madison and Andrea giggle, "ew gross" they say waving their arms around.

My eyes scan across the couch as I reach Mahogany who has her back turned and I realise someone's missing.

"Where's Nash?" I ask.

"Right here" he slurs, appearing from behind Mahogany's curls and connecting his lips lazily with hers.

"Gross" Hayes groans.

"Get a room" Andrea and Madison giggle.

"Leave them, they're just.. at that stage" Gilinsky mutters.

"What stage?" Trevor asks.

"You know, the drunken stages?" We shake our heads and Gilisnky sighs.

Jack paces over to the left side of the couch, "well, here we have Johnson, who is barely drunk and probably just has a headache-"

"Damn straight" Johnson moans.

Jack chuckles before continuing, "back home we call that a light wash"

He walks further along the couch, "here we have our tipsies" he gestures to Madison, Andrea and Shawn.

"This is probably the most irritating drunken state as all you do is giggle and everything seems funny and honestly I feel like if you're going to drink at all, you need to get past this stage because it's annoying as fuck"

He moves further to the right, towards Nash and Mahogany then looks at me, "this is where you're actually ass drunk, you start to let go, have fun, be careless and all the shit you've messed up seems to just disappear and you can start over"

"The best stage" Nash laughs.

I fing it weird how he looks at me whilst explaining the stages. It's as if he's talking to me, as if he's trying to explain himself. I just look away.

He breaks eye contact and moves to the far right of the couch, "and you, my friends, are wasted, congradulations"

Sammy, Carter and Cameron all seem to be on another planet, their heads bobbing up an down.

"These are the one's that are most likely to throw up and have balls deep hangovers tomorrow, again, congrats" he smirks.

Camerom leans up, "fuck you man it wa- w.. w-watermelon" he gags.

Hayes grabs his bucket and practically flies over to Sammy, making it just in time.

"Nice one bro" Johnson laughs.

"If you're sober do you mind helping" Hayes asks sarcastically.

Johnson rolls his eyes, "I'll get a bucket"

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