chapter thirty - vodka&vommit

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Johnson, Hayes, Trevor, Jack and I put everyone in their rooms and give certain people advil for their headaches.

We agree that Johnson and Trevor could sleep in our room for the night because they didn't want to sleep in a room that smells like vomit.

Madison moves to Mahogany and Andrea's room and Johnson swaps with Carter.

I decide on not saying good night to Jack again as I didn't want to do antything to tarnish our previous farewell, which seems like ages ago now.

Trevor and I get ready for bed and he practically passes out.

It takes me a while to get to sleep seeing as so much has happened today.

My mind is swimming with thoughts of Jack.

I know his intentions are probably not genuine and he's probably had so much experience at being slick with girls that it's just second nature by now.

But beside all of the crap that's happened between us and all of the rumors and assumptions, he makes me feel so alive.

Honestly it's so cliche and I sound so unbelievably stupid, naive and vulnerable but that boy's done something, taken something, and I want it back.

In all seriousness, I don't want to like Jack, hell, I don't even know if I do.

Maybe it's just the pure adrenaline rush I get from being around him that drives me completely and utterly insane.

However you, my dear, are completely and utterly out of the ordinary

Who the hell says that?

My head was clouded with thoughts as I drifted off to sleep.


I was listening to bad by somo whilst writing this part and I really reccoment it whilst reading xx


I wake up to the sound of loud but slow music and I am almost startled as my slumber is rudely interrupted by a farmiliar song sounding from the living room.

I throw on exersize shorts and a baggy shirt.

The song 'Bad' by Somo is suddenly recognisable as I tip toe to the door trying not to wake Trevor up.

If there's one thing you do not do, it's wake up Trevor Moran.

I peek my head around the door to see Jack, Johnson and Sammy in nothing but basketball shorts.

"Okay one more time" Johnson says as the music stops and is then repeated from the beggining.

The boys nod and seemingly laugh at each other as the rhythm sets in.

The dance is intense, the moves are all clearly rehearsed and the boys pretend to sing, using bananas as microphones and pretend the tv is an audience, using their hands whilst singing.

During the first verse, the dance becomes more improvised and Sammy ends up grinding on the arm of the couch which causes both Jacks to start laughing and lose their places.

The boys get it together and become more in sync for the second chorus.

Jack's eyes are suddenly connected with mine and my cheeks begin to heat up.

Good one Sarah, just casually watching them dance. Not creepy at all.

Jack smirks at me, then begins to mouth the words to the second chorus whilst maintaining eye contact.

is it bad that I never made love, no i never did it

but I sure know how to fuck

i'll be a bad boy, i'll prove it to ya

i can't promise that I'll be good to ya

cos I have some issues, i won't commit

i'm not having it but at least I can admit that I'll be bad to you

yeah i'll be good in bed, but i'll be bad to you

My feet are glued to the floor as the music stops.

"Okay I think we'll be fine for the show later on" Johnson says and Sammy nods whilst I still feel Gilinsky's eyes on me and I look to the floor.

"Oh, morning Sarah, didn't see you there" Johsnon smiles and Sammy turns around and nods towards me.

"Oh yeah, um, sorry I was just getting breakfast" I lie.

"No need, Ken's arranged for us to all have breakfast here before we head to the venue" Johnson tells me and I nod.

"Shit guys I completely forgot about the others, we need to wake them up before Ken does" Sammy shrieks.

"Come with?" Gilinsky asks and all I can do is nod, seeing as his morning voice is basically the hottest thing ever.

I grab a key and we make our way across the hall, shutting our door quietly on the way out.

I decide to walk in front of Jack because I literally have no clue what to talk about.

Should I thank him for last night? Or will that seem clingy and weird?

Should I ask him how he slept?

What the fuck Sarah, do you even know how creepy that sounds.

There is currently nobody in Trevor's room as we had decided to throw them all in Mahogany's room.

I don't know we thought it would be easier.

When we open the door to room 1006, the scent of vodka and vomit filles my nose and makes me want to gag.

"This is nasty" Johnson blocks his nose.

People are sleeping everywhere, the kitchen counter, the sofa and flat out on the floor.

"Sammy, how come you're not like, hungover" I whisper whilst carefully stepping over a pile of Mahogany's wild curls.

Sammy shrugs, "I can handle it"

Jack smirks and walks over to the massive silk curtains in the living room which is identicle to ours.

He pulls them open, allowing sunlight to flood into the room, it even makes me squint.

"Rise and shine bitches" Sammy yells and a chorus of groaning is heard and several pillows are thrown at him.

"Don't make us get you each up one by one.. with water" I laugh.

Mahogany, Madison and Andrea get up reasonably quickly compared to the others and I take Madison take to our room.

"Not gonna stick around?" Gilinsky pouts, yanking the blanket off Shawn, who is sleeping on the couch.

"Tempting but no" I tease.

He acts offended then continues, "I'm still grounded you know, and you have to stay with me later when everyone goes out"

"Can't wait" I fake my sarcasm.

"Everyone go to your own rooms and if Ken suspects anything just tell him you're really tired" I hear Sammy's voice as I close the door once Madison's out.

"Thanks girl" she says.

"Don't worry, you're a mess, by the way" I wink and we walk back into the room to get ready for the day.

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