Chapter 54

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Hidden amongst the dark forest, a path of stone had been left leading towards Manburg— The place I would never expect to see myself walking towards to. I believed it was created by Wilbur, to make it easier for them to travel back and forth; I was grateful, to say the least as it only helps on carrying my plan.

I continued to walk with the sword dragging along the dirt, causing the ground to split as the blade came across it. The Moon shined brighter for tonight, making it the only thing to be beautiful, before I get Schlatt's blood in my hands, that is.

As I walk further, I was taken back at the sudden wave of familiarity. I looked up to see the sight of Manburg, the torches surrounding it perfectly illuminating the place in all its glory. A lopsided smile faded in to my lips as I watched a small figure making its way across the land, a bottle in hand. For a minute, I thought of how it reminded me of something else but I pushed the thought away as only a nuiscance to my plan.

It all ends here.

At this point, I know everyone's already coming to find me, but I was already feets ahead of them. I jumped down on a hill, bearing nothing but an enchanted sword with over-pouring energy as different voices now controlled my every movement. The more I advanced, the more my hands itched at the feeling of warm blood running down it.

As the sight of a broken van came in to my sight, I stepped in with a heavy thump causing the whole place to shake as I glide the blade on the walls.

" You came back. "

Schlatt's voice echoed through my hearing like a loud, swinging bells. I looked down, watching him sitting across the floor with hundreds of wine bottles around him, while he empties it all in one gulp.

" I came to kill you, not to drink. " I stated seriously as I notice his hand brought up towards me with a smaller bottle.

He chuckled, fairly amused at my statement before he threw the entire wine towards the wall. The broken pieces of it scattered along the limited space, some hitting my arms and legs before it all ended up by my feet. I looked down slowly, taking notice of the blood stained shards with my own reflection. My eyebrows slowly walked to reach other, as everything seem to be happening in repeat.

Suddenly, Schlatt stood up from the floor. My eyes remained on the broken bottle in his hand that he picked up. To keep myself safe, I backed away and raised the sword in front of me to maintain a safe distance. He laughed at my stance, mocking my action with his own bottle.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed swift movement. Before I knew it, everyone with heavy armours and weapons gathered around me in a protective shield, even from the top of the van people watched.

" Didn't know you had bodyguards? " Schlatt asked before taking a sip of his wine, and sighing in a feeling of delight from the brain-tickling liquid.

Everyone started to speak, giving me no chance as they hid me behind their backs. I was completely covered, and only listened to small arguments between someone and a drunken Schlatt. I grew annoyed and pushed my way in between everyone, making sure I stood closest to the man. As I did this, a hand wrapped around my wrist. I turned, barely moving my head as I recognized the green sleeves.

I slowly looked up, locking eyes with empty ones as it was only paint on top of a mask. I flinched as I saw Clay— no, Dream's face emerge from behind the mask. He stared at me with his soft green eyes, his Adam's apple moving as he swallows.

" Move away. " He pleaded.

Schlatt started to laugh, a full-on belly laugh that made me swing my head to face him. I felt Dream's hand tense around my wrist, visibly worried for what I might do next.

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