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Jace was cradling Clary in his arms as she laid in the infirmary bed. After she had fallen onto Isabelle unconscious, he pulled up her shirt to reveal the protruding objects on her shirt.

Slowly prying the fabric off of her stomach, he wanted to gag. Claws were extended from her stomach, and they had to have demon poison in them. And that meant she could die at any second. Slowly looking at Isabelle, he wanted to save them both, but he knew he couldn't, he couldn't do anything for either of them. Isabelle had a gash in her stomach that had demon poison. Her wound was turning a purple color, just as Clary's had.

Slowly he lifted Clary in his arms prepared to run her to the infirmary when he looked at Simon. "Carry Isabelle to the infirmary, we need to get her off of the floor."

Turning to Maryse and Robert he looked at them with the fear and hidden emotions as he had when they had first met him, making their hearts melt. "Call the Silent Brothers, they have to do something. Please."

Turing back away, he looked at Jem with pleading eyes, "Please, you have to know something with this. Please help them."

"Get them into the infirmary, I will do what I can until the Silent Brothers get here." Jem gave him a strong stare and let Jace run with Clary in his arms, leaving only a trace of black pepper, lavender, sweat, and blood behind.

Simon was already gone with Isabelle before Jem had turned around, running up the stairs.

After Jem arrived to the rooms, he observed their wounds. "Isabelle's isn't as bad as Clary's and she has no energy to try and keep herself going, we need to find out a way to give her energy before she dies. That is all we can do for her until the Silent Brothers show up."

Jace looked down at his unconscious fiancée. She would have looked as if she was sleeping, except the fact that her lips were blue, her skin pale, and her freckles standing as the only color in her face.

"And Isabelle?" Simon asked.

"She is-"Jem was cut off by a grunting noise.

The three men looked over to Isabelle seeing her moving around in the infirmary bed. Grunting as she didn't want to be still, but the pain in her stomach as she stirred. "What about me?"

"Isabelle!" Simon yelled and ran over to her. Enveloping her in an embrace, she relaxed slightly; until she remembered.

"Clary? Where is Clary? Is she okay?" Her voice was panicked as she tried to sit up. Simon was trying to push her back down, but she caught the sight of a limp Clary on the bed beside her, Jace clutching her hands in his own; pressing them to his lips as if trying to warm them.

In seconds Isabelle felt a pulsing pain in her chest, right over her Parabatai rune. Gripping her chest in pain she gasped, catching Jace's attention.

His eyes grew wide as Isabelle started tearing at her chest, breathing heavily, gasping for breath. She pulled her shirt aside seeing the rune beginning to dull in color. It was turning black to a gray color. It was slowly losing its power.

Isabelle tried to stand, but Simon pushed her back down. Isabelle; the always persistent Isabelle, pushed him away and tried to stand again. Losing her strength fast, she grabbed a chair that was close to Clary's bed and sat in it. She grabbed Clary's hand and closed her eyes. Chanting words to herself.

"You're like my sister. You swore you wouldn't leave me. Not without me following you. You have to stay. Not just for me, but for everyone, please. Stay Clary, don't die, you can't die. It's what he wants. He wants you to fail. He wants you to fall and leave a trail of broken hearts in your wake. Don't let him win, Clary. Not today. Not ever."

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