Idris Visits

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This chapter has been published unedited and I apologize in advance for any spelling errors or anything else. Now enjoy! If you can...

"Clary," his voice was soft like a feather pillow in her ear. Clary only grumbled making the sweet voice chuckle. "Come on, Clary, we have to get up to go soon."

"Ugh," Clary threw herself to the side, not so hard that it would shake her and the baby too much, but just enough to get her point across. "Jace, I don't want to go."

Jace gave her a sad smile and shook his head. "I'm sorry, but we have to. Trust me, I don't want to go either and I really don't want you to have to go if you don't want to. But sadly, we're still only about seventeen and we aren't allowed to be here alone. And it wouldn't be safe either."

Clary's emerald green eyes were staring back at him with a challenge. "I think it's just fine here rather than in Idris. I mean here, we may only have us to ward him off, but he knows that if he touches you or me that he gets burned. But in Idris, he can take down the demon towers faster than he could say the word 'jellybean.' All he has to do is poke his finger with a needle and touch the demon towers and bam, the streets will run with demons again."

Jace smirked, "'Jellybean?'"

"I'm hungry for jellybeans, okay? And is that all you got from my little speech?"

"Clary, I get that you don't want to go, and I completely understand why you feel safer here—"

Clary cut him off. "I didn't say I felt safer here, I was saying that either way we aren't safe from the creep. And I am almost six months pregnant and traveling by portal isn't my ideal way of traveling. Remember? Almost every time I go through a portal, I land on my ass. I would rather lie right here and sleep."

Jace sighed heavily, "I know... Clary, I know what you're saying. But like I said earlier, we technically have to go. Besides, nobody in Idris knows that you're pregnant, and I think it would be great to see their surprise, don't you?"

Clary nodded lightly, "I still don't like traveling by portal right now, though. If I wasn't so pregnant then I would be okay with it."

"We can go together, I won't let you fall. I promise you that."

Clary giggled, "You are very forgetful; you know that?" Jace just shook his head in confusion, making Clary giggle more. "Remember the last time we were in Alicante, and we went from Amatis's kitchen to the Wayland manor? Remember how graceful that entrance was?"

Jace smiled and laid back against the bed next to her. "I do remember that, actually. But at that time, you had almost no training, all you knew was how to use a stele and hold a seraph blade, which I might add came after that landing."

Clary moved closer to Jace and put her head on his chest and snuggled her head into the crook of his neck so he could rest his head against hers. "We have one more problem though," Clary said lightly.

"Yeah, what's that?"

Clary looked over at the clock and fell back into place. Her hair falling into her eyes as she fell back into Jace. "We have to leave at seven o'clock. It's six: nineteen. I haven't packed a single thing and I still have to take a shower. And eat breakfast of course."

Clary felt her head vibrate with Jace's laughter shaking his chest. "I already packed everything other than our bathroom things." Jace leaned down and kissed the top of her head tasting salt from sweat but smelling strawberries.

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