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Jace rolled off of Clary and laid next to her on the bed. Both of them were breathless and sweaty, and were breathing heavy.

Clary rolled to the side to look at Jace who was staring at her too. She smiled at him and laid her head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her body. "Well, that had escalated quickly." Clary said. She could feel Jace chuckle, sending vibrations through her, warming her heart.

She curled into him, one hand on his chest and one hand tangled with his as she let her eyes droop. She wasn't tired or going to sleep, she just wanted to take in the moment and for it to last forever.

Not once did Jace moved his arms from her body, making her feel safe. She didn't want him to leave. Ever. She wanted it to stay like that forever, or as long as they could. She knew eventually she would have to go downstairs and face everyone but if she could make that moment last, she would.

Jace was holding Clary with her resting her head on his chest. He knew they shouldn't have done that, but it wasn't as if he or Clary regretted it. She was cuddled up to him, clinging to him for dear life; she couldn't regret that. He could see that she had closed her eyes, but she didn't want to sleep. "What are you thinking about?"

Clary opened her eyes and turned to look up at him, her big green eyes shining with love. "That I don't want this moment to end, but sooner or later we have to go downstairs before someone comes up here instead."

"Too late." A voice came from the doorway startling both Jace and Clary. She jumped and nuzzled closer to Jace. He wrapped his arms around her tighter to both protect her and cover her from the person standing in the doorway. It was a man; the voice gave that away. When he got closer they could see what he was wearing.

A plain black T-shirt that had a deep V-neck line with purple pants that that had pink glitter embedded in them. His hair was dark and spiked with glitter lining the tips. His eyes were slits like a cats with glitter around the edges and black eyeliner.

"Well, well. She has amnesia and you are still jumping her bones, really Jace?" Magnus asked with a smirk playing at his lips.

"Jumping my bones?" Clary asked with a smirk on her face, "Really Magnus?" She had relaxed after realizing it was only Magnus but was still nuzzled close to Jace. She didn't want him to let go, and she knew he wouldn't let go with her only being cover by a sheet so he was going to try and cover her body from the warlock.

"You know what I mean." Magnus said with a forming wider grin on his face.

"Magnus. What the hell are you doing in here?" Jace finally asked.

"Earlier we came to check on Clary. Isabelle opened the door and saw you two, then when she said that she knew for a fact that you were okay, Alec asked why. He walked over to the door but it was too late by the time Isabelle warned him he opened the door. He saw you two and covered his eyes and practically ran away scream like a little girl." Magnus looked at Jace and chuckled, "Simon thinks you took advantage of her. Maia and Jordan defended you along with Isabelle and Alec. Isabelle ripped Simon a new one telling him he doesn't just jump to conclusions before we can get answers, especially when you are talking about her brother. So you are a lucky one Herondale."

Clary looked confused between the two of them. "Okay, I know Isabelle but who is Alec, Simon, Maia and Jordan?"

"Alec is Isabelle's brother, and Magnus's boyfriend but he looks like her with the black hair. Maia is the other girl that was in here, the one with the brown hair. Jordan is her boyfriend, he is the tan guy with the big arms and shaggy brown hair. He and Maia are werewolves. Simon..." Jace's voice drifted and he shook his head with a small smirk. "Simon is the vampire that you called a duck. He is also your best friend."

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