Not an Update, But a Proposition

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This is not an update, I am sorry, but I have a proposition for all of my readers.

I was thinking about the story a little, and we already know that Jace asked Jocelyn for permission to marry Clary. How would you all like to read how he asked for permission of his beautiful, brave, noble, stubborn, artistic, short tempered, short redhead’s hand in marriage? And to ask the only person that scared him more than the love of his life, the scary, motherly, nurturing, artistic, the hell fire, the one, the only mama bear, Jocelyn.

To read it from Jace’s point of view? I might even write it in both Jocelyn and Luke point of view later too.

But in order to read this only time offer, you have to do something for me in return. Answer this one question for me.

Would you all want to read another TMI fanfiction by me? It would be about Clary leaving, yes, but Jace doesn’t know why, he didn’t do anything wrong. Want a sneak peek inside?

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