Are you sure

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I apologize for it being so short and unedited. I have had a busy few weeks. My computer crashed a few days ago so I had to get a new one and recover all of my stories from my hard drive and I have had to write on free time, which i rarely have. I just got a new job and have been learning the ropes on that, and school hasn't been slacking on the homework either. I am hoping to update more often now that I have more free time and my computer is fixed. If you have any questions or idea's feel free to comment or message. I guess i should shut up and let you all read what you came to this page for.

"Are you saying you want a baby now?" Clary asked.

Jace stopped, his arms still around her waist. "I didn't say that."

"So you don't want a baby now?" Clary asked with a dim voice.

"I didn't say that either." Jace responded, confusing Clary slightly.

"So is it a yes you want a baby now, or a no, you don't want a baby now? Because if you are worried about what I would think, you shouldn't be. I know that Shadowhunters have kids early, it seems reasonable. And I am perfectly okay with having a baby, I just don't want anyone overwhelmed. It wouldn't be fair to overwhelm anyone else. And don't worry about my whole memory thing, because I know that it is coming back. Pretty fast at that. In almost no time at all, it will be back."

Jace hadn't moved from the position he was in. At first it seemed like he hadn't been breathing, but now it seemed to Clary that his chest was rising and falling again. He stood still as a statute, as if he moved he would break. His breathing began to pick up and he finally moved. He turned Clary around so they were facing each other. He put his hands on either side of her face and put his forehead to hers.

"Are you serious? Don't mess with me like that Clary." Jace said in a whisper, his breath tickling her lips, as it brushed over her, soft, comforting, energizing, calming, and sweet, all at once.

She took a breath and closed her eyes. "Yes, Jace. I am being serious."

He looked at her with a steady gaze. "I think that we should talk about this later when no one can just walk right out and listen to us, because I am sure people are leaning against doors right now."

Clary smiled at him and put her hands on his chest. She clutched his shirt between her fingers, pulling him closer and whispered in his ear, "Tomorrow though, because we have plans tonight, remember?"

When Clary pulled away slowly, she was pulled right back against him, but so much closer than before. Her chest was against his and his hands were on her hips, wanting to lift her off her feet. "You make this very difficult Clary. Trying to keep my hands off of you, when we could be seen at any minute. You make it impossible."

Clary slowly crawled out of his grip, "Not impossible." She turned around and walked towards the doors. Leaving Jace to stare after her with drool practically hanging from his mouth as he watched the way her slim figure walked. The way her petite, yet beautifully shaped hips swayed with each step. Her long curly hair as it bounced on her shoulders, she turned around with her bright green eyes dazzling, and she smiled. "Are you coming?"

Jace didn't have words so he just nodded his head. Clary laughed, "You might want to wipe that drool away though."

Jace quickly wiped his mouth in embarrassment and followed after her. As they opened the door to the living room, they were greeted by twelve pairs of eyes. Everyone in the Institute was in the room that the two of them were currently standing in. Even Jocelyn and Luke were there, making Clary wonder how in the hell they got there without seeing each other.

"Are you two done canoodling?" asked Isabelle with a smirk.

"Isabelle," Maryse interjected.

"What? It isn't like we didn't know that they were out in the hallway making out. Let's not beat around that bush."

Clary chuckled, "We were talking thank you very much."

Isabelle gave her a tired and smart-ass look, "Yeah, after he had you pressed against the wall kissing you. We aren't stupid. Clary, you're blushing and your shirt is crumpled. Jace's hair is messy and his shirt is all wrinkled too. I know that look, I am not stupid."

Clary was blushing and her eyes widened as she looked over at Jace who was looking at his clothes then at her. Their clothes were perfectly straight and unwrinkled. They looked up at Isabelle. "No they aren't," Jace said.

"But you checked, meaning I was right," Isabelle pointed out.

Jocelyn sat there quietly, her turpentine abused hands clenched together in a tight grip. Luke wrapped his arm around her, holding her in place as if she were about to spring and catch Jace by the throat.

"Isabelle," Jace said. "Shut up."

Isabelle looked appalled but then slowly drifted her eyes over to Jocelyn and got the hint. She looked at Clary evenly, "So how is your memory Clary?"

"Well, I remember a lot more than I did before, so that is good, I guess. Some things I don't want to remember, but hey at least my memory is coming back. I know every memory I have with Jace, Alec, Magnus, Sebastian, Valentine, and you Iz. But other than that, it is still a bit foggy."

Jocelyn tensed up as she heard the names of her son and her previous husband, "Valentine? You remember Valentine?"

"Every memory I have with him yes. Our first meeting, Renwicks, the ship, Lake Lyn, the Accords Hall, even the images Ithuriel sent us at the Wayland Manor. I remember all of it."

Jocelyn swallowed hard and loud but said nothing. Clary gave her a quizzical look and turned her attention to Jem. "So, what else can make my memory resurface I want to remember every little detail. Even if it is what I ate for breakfast."

Jem gave a little laugh, "You must relax Clarissa, it could give you a headache to try and remember everything at once. You must be patient."

Clary pouted, "But I want to remember!" Clary whined.

Jace laughed at his fiancée and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against his body. He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck and kissed her. "You need to listen to him, he is just looking out for you, like everyone else in the room Clary."

Clary puffed, "Fine..."

Luke chuckled at the couple standing in the doorway, leaning on each other like he and Jocelyn often do. He looked down at her and saw a small smiled forming at the corner of her mouth. As much as she didn't want to admit it to anyone, even him, she did like Jace. She may not have liked him all of the time, but she was happy it was him with Clary and not anyone else. For a long time, he thought she would rather have it be Clary and Simon, but she saw how happy Clary is with Jace, and she changed her mind. She saw how Jace would protect Clary with his life. If he hurt her, he would beat himself, work until he could fix it up, or work himself bone tired.

Clary was happy and that was all Jocelyn really wanted for her. That and her safety. As if reading her mind, Luke whispered in her ear.

"That is all we want for her Jocelyn. Happiness. That is all we can ask of her now anyway. She has done so much for us and everyone around her. She deserves to be happy."

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