Today Never Happened Clary's POV

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Clary's POV

She was lying in a bed colored in black. Everything was stained in the color. The pillows, the blankets, the doors, dresser and nightstand, the mirror frame, the door frame, even the floorboards. Then there was scarlet red. Scarlet walls, scarlet sheets, door handles, even the hairbrush sitting on nightstand. The floor was stoned, a dark, smoky gray.

Besides her body under the blanket, no one was in the room. Standing up, she reached out to the door, waddling her way there. Gripping the door handle, trying to open the door, resulting in failure to the locked door and loss of energy.

She looked down, and she couldn't see her own toes. They were blocked by the huge belly she had. Walking over to the mirror, she observed herself. Her hair was longer, hitting her rib cage. Shoulders more rounded. Standing straighter as the weight of her belly pulled her forward. Her legs were still short, but slightly longer. Her breasts had enlarged a lot and she was sore everywhere. Her breasts, her feet, her wrists, back, legs, stomach, neck, everything. She was sore everywhere and felt breathless.

She sat on the bed and stared at her reflection, trying to regain her breath. The kicking she was feeling in her lungs wasn't helping either. She couldn't believe it. Pregnant. She was pregnant. It wasn't possible, it couldn't happen that fast.

She heard the door click and unlock, standing in the doorway stood her brother. Smiling, he stepping inside, "How lovely, the beautiful, pregnant princess awakens."

He took a step closer to her and put his hands on her belly, shoving her against the bed, ignoring her struggling, "I am so lucky Clarissa. To have you and this baby." His eyes wandered up to hers.

The black pits staring at her like they were carved tunnels. She screamed as a sharp pain pushed through her stomach, and threw her head back.

Clary woke with a start. It was the same dream as last time; it has to mean something.

She took a moment to breathe and looked around in a sweep as Jace had taught her to do. Seeing everything in one glance. She could see the empty corners of the room. All of the beds lined up in rows. She looked next to her after seeing the shadow of a feminine figure.

"Isabelle are you alright?" Clary's voice was radiating with concern.

"I should be asking you that, Clary."

"I'm just fine, I feel fine. I don't understand why, but I feel refreshed, which make no sense because I had demon claws in my stomach. How long was I sleeping?"

Isabelle shook her head and looked up at Clary with sympathy. "The Silent Brothers just finished working on you about two minutes ago. And Jem is out there talking to everyone else about what they found out."

Clary stilled, "What did they find out?" Isabelle kept quiet, averting her eyes as she didn't want to see the pain in Clary's face as she said it out loud.

"You're pregnant Clary. And they can't do anything about it because not only does it protect you, it is protecting itself. When they tried to take it out... It burned them. They think it is Jace's baby. It kept you alive. That little baby was strong enough to keep your energy levels high enough and to keep you two holding on until help got here. It has like a force field around it. No harm came to it really. Just scratches. Seeing that the blood wasn't all yours, they dug a little deeper..." Isabelle looked up to see Clary's terrified face. Her eyes were wide, her lips parted, and the color had drained from her face. When she said 'dug a little deeper,' she saw Clary flinch but continued.

"They found out that you're pregnant, and right now Jem is telling everyone out there so they don't freak out, and so it was made easier on you. Honestly, I thought you might want to hear it from me because we're like sister, and I thought it might help hearing it from me. Of course everyone is going to be mad at me, but, I thought you should know right away, unlike how the Silent Brothers thought they would prolong telling you. You deserve to know. It's your body after all."

Clary was pale, she looked as if she might pass out again. She shook her head, "They aren't going to know that I know then. Especially Jace. If Jace doesn't tell me within the time range of now and when we go to bed, I will talk to him about it in the morning. And everyone else."

Isabelle smiled at her, "That's my sister." She stood up and walked over to hug the smaller girl, sitting on her bed with her. They sat there for another two minutes before the Silent Brothers walked into the room.

Clarissa, how are you feeling?

Smiling a sarcastic smile, she made her nose scrunch up, "Actually a little sick. But I am sure it will pass soon enough."

Brother Enoch continued to stand in his place, I am sure you are right. Rest is what you need, so go up to your room and rest for the rest of the day. Maybe then you should feel better tomorrow.

Clary stood up on her wobbly legs, "Of course." She took a moment to adjust to her land legs again, and started walking to the door to leave. She looked behind her at Isabelle, "Are you going to come with me? We can try on the dresses..." She let her sentence hang in the air long enough for Isabelle to attend her side.

The girls giggled, Clary turned to Isabelle and winked at her in a silent agreement that Isabelle nodded back at. Opening the doors, Clary heard the end of the conversation, "Yeah and what if she dies?" Everyone that stood in the hallway turned to look at them. "Having a conversation about death by a sickroom is bad luck, I wouldn't do that." She looked at her mother and Luke, "We are going to go make sure that our dresses fit for tomorrow."

Jocelyn took a step forward and put her hand on her daughter's face, "We aren't going to get married tomorrow after what happened today."

"I'm fine. Isabelle is fine. And from the looks of it, everyone else is too, so it is happening tomorrow. Just pretend like today never even happened." Clary smiled at her mother lovingly.

"Clary, are you okay?" Luke asked, even though he already knew the answer.

"I'm fine. I actually feel really happy and refreshed." Clary scrunched up her nose again, "Except that sick feeling." She purposely let her hand go to her stomach where she knew a baby was stowed away, "But Brother Enoch said that would go away. Other than that I feel just sweet baby peachy."

"What?" asked Alec, his voice higher a few octaves, earning a punch to the arm by Magnus. Jace turned away, hands holding his head.

"I said sweet baby peachy, why?" Clary narrowed her eyes.

"No reason, just didn't understand what you said." Alec smiled, "Are you sure you are okay?"

She nodded her head and chuckled, "You're all acting strange. But I will just blame it on the fact that I had demon claws removed from stomach. And I guess they burned the Silent Brothers. They must have been loaded with poison, I don't know how I survived. But I will just leave that subject alone because I'm still here." She walked over to Jace and laid a kiss on his cheek, "No coming into my room for a while. Not while Isabelle and I are playing dress up." She kissed him again but this time on his mouth.

His hands ran up and curled their way into her hair, pulling her against him. He was kissing her feverishly, like if he let go she would disappear as if she never existed. One hand tangled in her hair and the other on her lower back, pushing her against him like there was no tomorrow. Slowly she pulled away and looked in his honey gold eyes. "Are you okay, you're acting like I'm going to die at any second?"

He shook his head, his eyes blazing with intensity, "No, nothing's wrong. I will knock on your door to come and get you when dinner is done."

"Okay," she stood on the tips of her toes and gave him a peck on the lips before her and Isabelle walked off to her room.

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