The Dress and Parabatai

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Clary and Alec walked back into the kitchen and sat down at the table, everyone staring at them.

"So, I see the two of you are all buddy-buddy now. What happened there?" Isabelle asked.

"We saw that in ways we are a lot alike, and we know what it feels like to be in Magnus's torture teasing place. So we bonded over it," Alec answered looking at Magnus.

"Okay, Jace went to look for you two but he couldn't find you," Isabelle said.

"Oh, no I lied, I found them in the library talking, I didn't want to interrupt the family session, so I left and told you I didn't find them because I knew you would go and try to listen to their conversation. You're welcome by the way," Jace said with a smile on his face looking at Alec and Clary.

"So how was the bonding?" Jordan asked.

"Oh it was deep. I felt like I was in therapy," Clary said being a smart-ass.

Magnus chimed in "It wouldn't be the first time."

Clary got angry. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, it's just our deep discussions. Everything, the past, the future, the present. Let's change the subject. How is knowing you lost your virginity?" Magnus felt the need to antagonize someone, they were doing it to him, so he needed to do it to someone who wasn't going to fight back.

Clary gave him a dirty look, then smiled. No one was breathing except Clary and Magnus, "Oh it feels like any other day," Clary looked like she was feeling revengeful, "but at least I know who I lost my virginity to."

Magnus was stunned, he didn't expect her to say that, he told her that, he forgot he told her that. She was fighting back and she was good at it.

"OH, BURN!!!!" Jordan and Simon yelled over everyone's gasps and laughter.

Simon got up and ran to the kitchen, he came back holding a bag of ice trying to hand it to Magnus, "What's this for Smeley?"

"Again, it's Simon, and I thought you might need some ice for that burn." He dropped the bag of ice in Magnus's lap and went over to Isabelle, Maia and Jordan.

Jace was on the other side of the table staring across at Clary with a big smile on his face. Alec and Clary continued to stare at Magnus angrily and they never broke the stubborn look in their eyes, not even to laugh.

"That was very rude Clarissa, and embarrassing," Magnus said.

Clary spoke in an angry calm voice like her mother, "And you think that what you say, isn't rude or embarrassing either?"

"I never think about it that way---"Clary cut him off midsentence.

She was angry. "That's because you don't think! You have been living so long that you have completely forgotten about what can offend people! And you don't think before you speak! Do you even know how many people you have offended that didn't want to speak up because they were too embarrassed or even scared they might hurt you?!"

Magnus was taken aback, "No, I haven't thought about it. I have never offended people at my parties, or Alec, or anyone in here for that matter."

"You have offended me Magnus, but I didn't want to tell you that. And how would you know if you hurt those people at your parties, you don't even know them, "Alec was being honest.

"And it actually hurts a little bit when you don't say my name or you forget my name. I might not show it, but it really does make me feel unimportant. I get it from Jace, but he will say my name like I am a person, not just a vampire. Plus we have this friendship where we hate each other but there are times when we are friends, you though," Simon said.

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