So Light

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Clary was sitting on her bed in the Institute wearing black sweats with a puffy purple shirt that hung off her left shoulder, with a photo album opened on her lap, looking at pictures from her past to push at any memories of Simon, Luke, or her mother. After the first twelve photos she had to stop due to a headache the size of Texas. After starting again, she knew that her memories were coming back from her pounding head.

She remembered that she had a photo album in the back of her closet, wanting to remember everything and going against Jem's wishes, she dismissed herself to take a nap in her room. After arguing with Jace for five minutes about him not leaving her out of his sight, they agreed that he could come, but he had to leave her alone for a few minutes to let her change into some sleeping clothes, and for him to speak with Robert and Luke about an issue.

It had been half an hour and she was beginning to worry. She set he album aside and stood up from her bed, inching her feet into her slippers. She reached over on her nightstand and grabbed her stele. She walked over to the door and propped it open, peaking her head out into the hallway. When she saw no one emerging from doors, she walked down the hallway until she faced the library, where she heard voices.

She used her stele and made a seeing glass. Jace stood inside along with everyone else in the Institute. Every male and every female was in there talking without Clary.

"She has no memory." Jocelyn was arguing.

"She does have her memory," Jace was defending, "she may not have it all back right now, but she is trying. She wants to."

"No. I don't care. She is too young Jace. You are too young," Jocelyn was digging deeper into the subject, inching her way closer to telling Clary about the argument, without even knowing it.

Robert stepped into the conversation, "Jocelyn, they are getting married. They have been to hell and back for each other. Besides, you of all people should know, we Shadowhunters start lives early."

"Not at sixteen Robert." Jocelyn said.

"Jocelyn," Maryse said, "You cannot control Clary forever. I don't mean to be rude, but the circumstances are different now. She isn't a mundane, she might as well be an adult. She can make choices for herself, we all know she does as it is. And it sounds as if her and my son have chosen what their decision is."

Jace was looking at Maryse with the affection a child shows his mother when she has given him all of what he wishes for. "Thank you."

Maryse smiled at him as Robert wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

Luke looked at Jace quizzically, as if he were determining his fate. "You want to start a family with Clary now? Is that right?"

Jace nodded, "We were talking about it, yes. I wanted everyone to know that we were talking about it, I thought you deserved to know."

"Does she know you are telling us this?" Luke asked, compassion and respect written on his face.

Jace shook his head, "I told her we could talk about it and then that we should tell everyone. And she agreed, but no she doesn't know I am telling you right now."

Clary was smiling to herself. He told them. He told them about them wanting a baby. She didn't know why but she was overjoyed. If only her mother and Luke would approve.

Luke smiled at Jace, "Jocelyn may not agree, but I think you will be an amazing father Jace. Just watch yourself, because Clary can be a little crazy sometimes."

Jace smiled and laughed to himself, "No, not crazy. Just very scary, determined, stubborn, and independent."

Clary was smiling widely, she moved her stele, removing the looking glass. Silently, she ran back to her room. She kicked off her slippers and quickly swiped the purple shirt for the one of Jace's she was wearing earlier, also kicking off her sweats. She grabbed the photo album and put it back into the closet. After running into the bathroom to brush her teeth and hair, she went back into her room only to be hit by a wave of pain.

Her head was spinning and felt as if her weight couldn't be supported. She felt as if she was thrown against the wall, and her vision was slowly fading. She couldn't move her body at all, she couldn't talk of scream. Her head felt like a weight on her shoulders, but she couldn't stop it from bobbing around and making a loud connection with the wall.

Her eyes slowly closed, but she could still hear. She wasn't asleep, but she wasn't awake either. She heard the door open loudly and heard footsteps of someone running to her. She heard his voice before she felt his arms around her.

"Clary!" Jace yelled. He grabbed her arms, pulling her into his lap as he cupped her face in his hand. "Clary. Wake up! I need you to wake up Clary!" He was gently cradling her in his arms. Putting one arm under her legs and one supporting her back and head, he picked her up, her head on his chest and carried her to the bed.

After laying her down, she could hear him dialing a number on his phone, afraid of leaving her alone. "Magnus! Come to Clary's room. I don't know what happened, all I know is that she fell and hit the wall."

In seconds, Clary heard Magnus in the room. She had no idea what was going on, but she could hear him talking to Jace. "She will be alright I am sure. I think she was overwhelmed by something. It could also be her memories coming back."

"She will be alright?" Jace asked sounding scared and nervous, "What about her head?"

"She might have a concussion, but with the way she hit the wall and that much blood, she must have fainted."

Blood? That was all it took and Clary was out.


Pictures were flashing in her mind, going in fast forward. She didn't know what they were, yet she remembered every detail of them. The colors, the details. Everything was placing itself, like a puzzle. Every piece always fit somewhere. It was a timeline of events, stories, memories, places. People were everywhere, surrounding her thoughts. She had names, ages, memories, eye color, hair color, personalities. Everything was pegged on each person. Jace. Isabelle. Magnus. Alec. Jordan. Maia. Simon. Her mom. Luke. Maryse. Robert. Max. Jem. Tessa. Aline. Helen. Sebastian. Valentine. Jia. Bat. Freaky Pete. Raphael. Lily. Lilith. Everyone she had ever met, their faces and voices ran through her head with the memories in fast forward.

It was like a never ending sea of memories, it took her under the ocean and pulled her to the surface. She could breathe again, she felt light, like a weight was lifted off of her shoulders. The weight she was feeling on her head, it was replaced with the feeling of floating. She felt as if her feet couldn't touch the floor.

Her head started to pound as she approached consciousness. She wanted to keep flying, but she felt Jace's arms around her body as she laid there, wrapped in his fearful embrace. Holding on to her as if she was the only thing keeping him there. She wanted to feel his lips on hers, his hands run over her body as they were skin to skin, feel his callused fingers stroke her face, going over every line and angle of her, as if he could burn her image to his eyelids. To feel his hands run through her tangled curls. She wanted to feel the fire that they created when they touched.

As she thought about him she felt the pounding headache subside, and she drifted to herself, in a surge of energy, she nuzzled her face into his chest, making his eyes widen and look down at her.

She ran her hands over his chest then moved her head upward and opened her eyes.

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