An Oblivious Night

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"Jia, how in the hell could you just do that?" Jocelyn was still arguing with Jia. Her red hair was pulled into a bun with a pencil and loose strands were falling around her face. "She is my daughter! My pregnant little—"

Jia put her face in her hands and was about to start pulling her own hair out of her head. Exasperated, she threw her hands down and slammed her fists on her desk, quieting Jocelyn. "Because I am the Consul, and I see them as adults after everything they have done and been through. They have fought in a war, more than one at that. Your daughter killed Valentine and brought Jace back to life. They have both seen the face of Angels. They have traveled into other dimensions and saved many lives. Jace is filled with Heavenly Fire as well as Clary. And for God's Sake, Jocelyn! Clary is pregnant with Jace's baby and they are engaged! They have been through more than enough to hold the title as an adult. Even most adults haven't been through what they have. The least I can do is give them what is rightfully theirs where they don't have you hovering over every move they make like a helicopter mom! Get over it!" Jia slammed her hand down on the table once more. Maryse, Robert, and Luke were standing in the background, jaws on the floor. Jocelyn had stopped pacing and was wide eyed. Speechless.

Jia, drained, "Just leave, Jocelyn. Head home and leave Clary and Jace alone for a while. Let them get settled and see how they like it and how they handle it—"Jia was cut off by a paper hitting her desk, rising from ashes. She reached out and grabbed the paper. Unfolding it she smiled.


Thank you for giving us the option to stay here and having enough faith in us to call us adults. Clary has already named the horses and befriended them. She also admires the comforter on the bed. She is currently sleeping on her side of the bed, smothered in the silk sheets and the blanket. She is also burying her head in the pillows and on my chest. She has also eaten... Pancakes with ketchup, mango slices, and a fruit smoothie. We wanted to say thank you for having the place cleaned, fully stocked with food, and tended to. We really love the place, when Clary walked in she fell in love. To be honest she might marry the manor over me. She really does love it, as do I. We've already decided that we want to have the baby here and live here in Idris, in this Manor. In our home. Thank you for this opportunity, Jia. We owe you so much.

Jace... And a passed out Clary.

Jia was smiling at the letter and looked up at the parents. "Well, they like their home. Clary has named the horses, eaten, and is sleeping right now. Jace is curled up with her and they have already made their choice. They want to have the baby here and live and raise their child in their new home." Jia's smile never faltered and she held herself with pride. Pride in the couple and in the shock on their parents faces.

"Don't try to dissuade them either. From what I have gathered from the two of them, they are stubborn. And I'm not sure as to who has the harder head. I've seen Jace do some crazy things, but Clary has always jumped to the fight, even if she didn't know how to fight. So, just be happy that they are happy and think about what kind of grandparents you're going to be."

Jocelyn was still just standing in shock, even as Maryse and Robert walked out of the room. Luke had to actually grab Jocelyn and move her. "Let's leave them be for a while, Jocelyn. We can go and see them tomorrow afternoon." Luke was saying to Jocelyn, trying to keep her calm and relieve her.

Clary was satisfyingly warm in Jace's arms. The blanket was laying over her torso and her hips were enclosed by pillows while her head was on Jace's chest.

Her body was still, other than the rising and falling of her chest. That and the moving in her stomach. Jace smiled. His chin was resting on Clary's head and his hand was on her belly, going back and forth between rubbing circles and rubbing lines up and down her belly with his fingertips. He could feel the little kicks and punches that the baby was giving off, and his made his smile broaden. He only stopped moving his fingers over her belly to cradle the baby inside her. His hands were softly laying on Clary's belly feeling the hands inside of her press against his own. Well it could have been a baby butt too, but Jace was just going to assume that it was a hand or head.

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