A Day of Unwanted Events

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"Ugh, this sucks!" Clary laid back in the chair, "I really don't like this." She sagged in the chair and sighed rubbing at her temples.

"I'm sorry, Clary, but I told you that this might happen." Jocelyn said with a small chuckle. "Pregnancy likes to mess with not only your weight, appetite, bladder, and hormones, but it can also mess with your eyesight. And it seems like this baby wants to mess with your eyesight." Jocelyn walked over to her daughter and grabbed her hand. "You may not like it, but that's what you get for having sex."

Clary narrowed her eyes at her mother, "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

Jocelyn smiled, "A little, yes. I can tell you, 'I told you so.'" She laughed and held her hand out to Clary to help her up. "Now, let's go pick out your new glasses."

"Ugh," Clary groaned emphasizing her irritation. Taking her mother's hand, she pulled herself up. She wasn't that heavy but her feet were swollen and it was harder for her to stand on them, and she was having a lot of back pain. She was only three and a half months pregnant, but it was visible. Her small baby bump turned into swallowing a cantaloupe. "How am I this big already?"

Jocelyn chuckled some more, "You've been eating a lot of coconut pancakes, Clary," she said for a matter of fact. "And lately you've been loving strawberry shortcakes with whipped cream. With a lot of fruits and vegetables and some peanut butter on the side."

Clary smiled and let out a little giggle and started rubbing her belly. "Yeah. Chocolates good too. And I finally understand why Jace loves mangos so much."

Jocelyn pulled Clary out of the vision testing room and began dragging her to pick out her new glasses.

"Hey," Simon said walking into the training room with Isabelle at his side and facing Jace and Alec. "Where's Clary?"

"Getting her eyes checked. She was saying that she was having a difficult time reading, and Jocelyn told her that the baby could have something to do with that. She is probably getting glasses," Jace said while he threw daggers at the targets, hitting each one at the center.

"Clary's getting glasses?" Isabelle asked with some amusement. "That is something I was not expecting."

"Isabelle," Alec said turning to look at his sister. "Pregnancy messes with your eyesight, so they are probably only temporary."

"Not only that," Jace said looking at Isabelle now too. "But she has been straining her eyes trying to read and see, but I'm sure that it only made it worse."

"When will they be back?"

"In a couple of hours I suppose," Simon said. "It can take a while for them to make the lenses. How long has she been gone?"

"About four and a half hours," Jace said with a pout.

"Why are you pouting?" Isabelle asked with a smirk. "Sad because you're not getting laid right now?"

Jace gave her a tired, yet frustrated glare. "No, I'm worried because she is out there without me, and there hasn't been any attention from Sebastian since the night he found out about the baby." Jace threw another dagger at the wall with a force that buried the blade and the hilt hit the wall. "I don't like it, it makes me anxious and I don't like being anxious. Being anxious makes me angry."

Simon was going to speak when the training room doors opened and a certain redhead walked into the room. Her bright green eyes were framed with big black plastic glasses, and a pout was on her lips. Her jeans were tight around her belly, and feet were trapped in her black boots to avoid snow from getting in her shoes. She had already taken off her jacket and letting everyone see her black long sleeve that she had on. The sleeves pulled over her hands trying to keep the warmth in. Her baby bump was visible now, and the shirt she wore, flaunted it.

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