I'm So Sorry

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"Maryse, they need to know, it's been two weeks. My daughter could be in danger. For all we know he still wants Clary!" Jocelyn was angry, it was hard to keep this from Clary.

"We need to tell all the kids. This isn't fair to them, they deserve to know. And they are bound to find out eventually, why not now?" Luke was always defending Jocelyn and Clary. He wants Clary just as safe as she does.

"Fine. But how are going to tell them, are we just going to say something like The Clave would. 'Oh you have a psychotic, eighteen year old trying to kill us all, but we want you to stay calm, they are just angel wings for God's sake!' How do you suppose we tell them? Believe me I am open to suggestions." Maryse looked furious, like she was going to blow up. Her hair had more gray than before three weeks ago. She was stressed, we all were, but she had no right to say that.

"I am sorry okay! It's all my fault! Are you happy now Maryse? Is that what you wanted to hear? It's all my fault!" Jocelyn yelled with tears streaming down her face.

"That is not what I am saying. I am sorry Jocelyn, I really am, it's just I know that they are going to do something, I can feel it."

Knowing Jocelyn couldn't speak, Luke stepped up. "I know, but I would rather have them knowing than getting stabbed in the chest from a blind knife."

Simon tried Isabelle's door but it turned out to be locked and Simon couldn't hear anything, she must be talking to her mom still. Knowing that he went into the infirmary with Jace.

"What bloodsucker, enjoying my company so much you just can't bear to part?" Jace asked with the same sarcastic tone that Simon associated with Jace. Trying to be in the moment Simon replied with a big smile on his face.

"Oh, yeah. I mean before Clary left to go with you I tried to tell her I was in love with you but she just wouldn't give you up."

"That's my girl." Jace said with a smug look on his face and added, "good thing because I'm not really into the whole, 'sorry sis, I took your boyfriend' thing I mean I am stunningly attractive but I don't roll that way."

As Jace said this Simon was trying to repress a smile.

"Clary, why didn't you tell me sooner?" Clary was crying and it was hard to look at Isabelle she could feel the 'I'm so sorry that happened to you' stare.

"Clary, look at me." Clary looked up to see the stare she was afraid of. "Clary you could have told me. You should have told me sooner, I mean look at you, sweetie. You are torn apart because of the damn memories creeping into your head at night, you can't eat."

"I never said---"

"You didn't have to Clary, I can see it, and your collarbones are more noticeable. I see that your clothes hang off of your frame Clary. That sick bastard tried to rape you and I am shocked you held up this long. I am so sorry Clary---"

Isabelle was interrupted by a knock, she heard a voice through the door.

"Isabelle, Clary, we need you in the library now. It is important." Maryse's said.

They were all called into the library and Clary had to go in there with Izzy by her side while she had a red puffy, wet eyes. When they opened the door everyone turned to look at the two girl walking in, their eyes all went to Clary. But Isabelle and Clary marched on, passed the questions, Clary couldn't look at anyone, and Isabelle was trying to block Clary from everyone's eyes. Knowing perfectly well she couldn't talk or she would start crying again, Isabelle waved away everyone's questions.

"We were called here for a reason there is no need to pile questions on Clary, okay? So shut up and leave her alone." Isabelle sat next to a sniffling Clary on the leather couch and kept an arm protectively around her.

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