Claiming Defeat

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***I want to apologize in advance for any errors. It is past two in the morning and I have to get up for school in a few hours. But I wanted to finish this and get it out there to you guys. Thank you my readers!***

"I claim defeat." Falling back against the bed, she laid back so her legs dangled off the edge. Her hands were clasped, laying across her belly. Her vibrant red hair was flared out like a fan and she closed her eyes.

"What do you mean? What defeat?" Jace mumbled around the toothbrush in his mouth, but Clary could still hear the confusion laced with amusement in his voice.

"Exactly what I said. I claim defeat. Isabelle wins," Clary pushed herself back up with the assistance of her elbows and managed to finish the deal with the rest of her strength. She was slouching and pouting, her hands were unconsciously rubbing her belly. "I can't get my jeans buttoned," her voice was sad and she looked like she was going to cry.

Jace quickly took the toothbrush out of his mouth and put it in the bathroom and rinsed the toothpaste out. When he finished he ran back out to her and kneeled down just as tears spilled out. Jace took her face in his hands, his calluses tickling her cheeks. His thumbs swiped over her tears, wiping them away, "Clary, please don't cry."

"I can't stop though!" Clary shouted through her sniffles. "I don't know why I'm even crying, it's ridiculous! I just want my jeans to button without being uncomfortable!" Clary threw her hands, slapping them against the bed making them bounce off and fall back down.

"Clary," Jace's voice was soft and soothing, making Clary's tears slow. "You're beautiful, Clary. Whether or not your jeans fit doesn't matter to me. I just want you to be comfortable and happy. And if you're jeans aren't comfortable, well get you whatever you want that will make you comfortable. Whether its dresses or sweats, I don't care what you wear; you're always beautiful, no matter what you have on your body."

Clary smiled weakly and let a single tear spill, "But it's getting warm outside. I'm going to have to wear dresses and crap like that. And Isabelle has already told me that. And now I have to tell her that she's right. And she wants me to go dress shopping with her, and you know how bad that will turn out. She has the upmost uncomfortable taste for a pregnant woman. She would have me in a skin tight leather leopard dress before you even blink, and that is not my style, or anywhere near my idea of comfort."

Jace chuckled, "Then how about I go with you, and Magnus or Alec."

Clary giggled, "Magnus has the same taste as Isabelle I think but with a lot more glitter, which frankly I prefer no glitter. And I think that Alec would rather set himself of fire than go dress shopping." Her voice came out gravely and like her nose has been stuffed from her crying.

Jace smiled his signature, crooked smile that showed off his chipped incisor. "Then I'll go with you, Clary. We can find you long dresses and shorter dresses. Anything and everything you want, as long as you like it and you're comfortable, then I'm happy."

Clary smiled, "You're not going to put me in all black are you, because I know how your color wheel is."

Jace put his head down and shook his curls with a chuckled, when he brought his eyes back up to hers, his pools of honey were filled with humor and happiness. It was rare moments like this that his eyes really showed her what he was thinking and feeling. It made Clary swell with an incredible amount of pride, as though she were about to imploded with happiness too.

It was the first time in a long time that she felt really happy. And she could see that it was the same way for Jace too. "Maybe we should take your mom and Maryse too."

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