Today Never Happened

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"We can't tell her, not now. She has had too much happen to her in the past few days, we can't take that risk right now." Jocelyn was shaking her head as she spoke, thinking that she shouldn't be having that conversation.

"When are we going to tell her? We she gets so big she can't see her toes?" Jace's voice was lanced with self-hatred, anger, and fear. "What is she going to do when she finds out that we knew, and we didn't tell her? She will hate us, that's what will happen."

"Well you can do the honor since you're the one who probably got her knocked up in the first place," Jocelyn said with as much venom as she could muster up.

"You think I wanted her to get hurt like this? You think I was the only part in this? No, I wasn't. It takes two people to tango, and I sure as hell wasn't alone in this. Just like you weren't alone in making Clary or Sebastian. She is just as much a part of this equation as I am. And you know what? I am happy that the baby might be mine. There is so much of a bigger chance that it is mine. I want to have a family with Clary. That is all I want next to her. But it could also be Sebastian's. You don't think I hate myself right now? Not knowing what it is? What it will do to her? Because I am dying on the inside, not knowing. I am tearing myself apart. I have been since he did that to her. And I hate myself so much. We talked about this. We thought it would be a good idea to start a family when Sebastian was gone. And I might have killed that one."

Jocelyn stood, her jaw smacking the floor, appalled by what he just said to her. Seeing the fury in his eyes. He looked nothing like Valentine as she had thought. He had the anger part down. But Valentine never hated himself and he couldn't admit that he might have done something wrong. Jace though, he what he was experiencing was complete self-hatred and admitting that he might have messed up. He was nothing like Valentine, and it took Jocelyn that long to figure it out. "We can't tell her, not yet." Her voice was weak and low.

Jace shook his head and calmed his voice, "Yeah and what if she dies?" Jace turned as soon as the words left his mouth, the words he was soon regretting because of what he saw. Turning around to see Clary standing on her feet, Isabelle next to her

"Having a conversation about death by a sickroom is bad luck, I wouldn't do that." She looked at her mother and Luke, "We are going to go make sure that our dresses fit for tomorrow." Jace stood there puzzled for a second, she was acting as if none of that had even happened.

Jocelyn took a step forward and put her hand on her daughter's face, "We aren't going to get married tomorrow after what happened today."

"I'm fine. Isabelle is fine. And from the looks of it, everyone else is too, so it is happening tomorrow. Just pretend like today never even happened." Clary smiled at her mother lovingly.

"Clary, are you okay?" Luke asked, even though he already knew the answer and Jace knew that.

"I'm fine. I actually feel really happy and refreshed." Clary scrunched up her nose again, "Except that sick feeling." Her hand wandered to her stomach and Jace closed his eyes like everything would just go back to it was when he proposed to her. But it didn't work and Clary kept talking. "But Brother Enoch said that would go away. Other than that I feel just sweet baby peachy."

"What?" asked Alec, his voice higher a few octaves, earning a punch to the arm by Magnus. Jace turned away, hands holding his head.

"I said sweet baby peachy, why?" Clary narrowed her eyes.

"No reason, just didn't understand what you said." Alec smiled, "Are you sure you are okay?"

She nodded her head and chuckled, "You're all acting strange. But I will just blame it on the fact that I had demon claws removed from stomach. And I guess they burned the Silent Brothers. They must have been loaded with poison, I don't know how I survived. But I will just leave that subject alone because I'm still here." She walked over to Jace and laid a kiss on his cheek, "No coming into my room for a while. Not while Isabelle and I are playing dress up." She smiled and kissed him again but this time on his mouth.

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