Words Can Mean Everything

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"Think about it Clary," Jace said as he held her in his arms. Her back was against his stomach and their legs were entwined. "Even if the worst did happen, there are things that rule the bad out."

Clary sniffled, the conversation was a tough topic for her. Him now knowing what it was that was bothering her and making her so scared. "Like what?"

He tightened his arms around her to make her feel more secure. "Well there are two big possibilities. One, you got really drunk last night. If Sebastian did get you pregnant, you could have put a damper on that real quick."

Clary chuckled at his wording, "That was part of the reason I did it, but there is a downfall to that too."

"Yeah?" asked Jace, "And what's that?"

Clary's lip quivered as she tried not to cry again, "What if it was your baby? What about then? I would have killed an innocent little baby."

Jace grabbed the side of her face, "If you couldn't tell, we both have angel blood, and that means the baby would too, and that could mean that the baby was stronger and could survive, which brings me to the second reason. The possibility of the baby being Sebastian's is very slim, whereas we had a bigger probability for the baby to be mine."

The corners of her mouth slightly lifted at his words. "Do you really think everything will be okay?"

He brushed his thumb over her bruised cheekbones "I honestly think everything will be okay."

Clary's eyes grew curious, and she asked a question about a topic that had not been brought up recently. "What about the heavenly fire?"

Jace's brows furrowed, "What about it?"

"There are things that you haven't told me either. Like how you can suddenly control it. What happened with the Silent Brothers?" Clary asked as she wanted answers just as he had.

Jace gave her the eye, telling her to be careful of what she asks. "Don't worry about that."

"That's what I told you, and you continued to pry. So I have the right to do the same." Clary said just pushing more.

Jace sighed in anger and glared at her, "My reason for prying was related to your health and to help you. Your reason for prying doesn't relate to anything in this situation. And it isn't important."

Clary glared back at him, "It's important to me. And I want to know, for both of our health."

He shook his head, "How does it have anything to do with our health?"

Clary sat up, pulling the sheet up with her, anger burning in her eyes, "Because Jace. We were just talking about me possibly being pregnant with either your baby or Sebastian's! If I had sex with you and I got pregnant with Sebastian's baby, what the hell could happen to me or that baby? Or if I am pregnant with pregnant with your baby, what could the heavenly fire do to him, and what could that do to me? Did you think about that?" Clary's voice was rising not only with anger but fear.

Jace sat up with her, "You will be fine! Nothing will happen!"

"How do you know? What the hell do you know? Why can't you just tell me?" Clary yelled back at him.

"I just know!" He lowered his voice and closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Opening his eyes he saw Clary with tears running down her face. He reached out to grab her face, "Clary, don't cry, please."

Clary pulled away from his hands and shook her head and laughed without humor, "You act like I can stop. You have no idea how much I am freaking out on the inside." Her tears came down in a steady stream. Jace let his hands drop as he knew that she wasn't going to let him touch her, not now. "Sebastian. You. A baby. Him coming back. As much as you say that you will protect me, I can't think about anything else but what he did. When I was alone, and I was completely exposed. He had no problem with any of it. And all I can think about is him doing it again, and it ending with me screaming." The tears were streaming down her face like a flooding river.

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