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I'm back baby! I don't know how frequently I'll be updating, but I'll try to update as much as I can. I have a job and summer school so I make no promises, but I'm going to try updating a lot more than I have been. I know this chapter is short, but my creative juices aren't flowing the greatest. But it's better than nothing. Please, let me know in the comments below how you liked it. Enjoy! P.S. Sorry for any spelling/punctuation errors.  

When Jace pulled Clary out of the carriage by her hand, her eyes lit up at the site of the manor. She smiled widely. In front of her was a grand house with a gold gate surrounding them. The house was a dark brown wood built home, a beautiful older styled architecture, and flowers surrounding the home. Clary looked over at Jace and saw him marveling too. His golden eyes were shinning in the sunlight making Clary's heart skip a beat; not that that never happened when she looked at him when he wasn't paying attention. When Clary saw him look at her from the corner of his eye and give her a smirk she turned away with a blush. Looking to her other side, she saw a large dark red barn with a golden H made of metal mounted on the side of it.

Clary looked over brightly at Jace and nudged him with her elbow making him turn to look at her. She pointed across the way at the barn and she could hear Jace's smile in his voice when he spoke. "You want to see the horses inside? Jia said they were there."

Clary nodded enthusiastically and she started waddling her way there hearing Jace's chuckling behind her. They were walking across the green grass toward the barn when Clary felt a little kick in her belly. Clary put her hands on her stomach feeling the kicks and giggled, "The baby wants to see the horses too."

Jace wrapped his arms around her, placing his hands over her belly fast so he could feel the kicks before the baby stopped. Jace kissed the top of her head as he felt the baby kick again, "Yes, he does."

They were face to face with the barn when Jace pushed it open and they were seeing the red paint on the walls. There was a pen in the center made of gold bars. There were stalls with black doors that held the horses back. Inside three of the stalls was one horse in each. In the first stall was a white horse with a full and beautiful blonde/white mane. The second stall held a big horse, the color of him was black as night. In the last stall was a horse that was black with white patches across its body, but this one was very small, a colt.

Clary approached the small colt who tried to pull away from her, but Clary was already there. When the horse got a closer look at her, he took a step closer and then another step, then another until he was face to face with her. Clary put her hand up and put it over his snout between his big gray eyes. He nuzzled his face into her hand and Clary smiled as she started to stroke his nose.

"Aren't you just the horse whisperer?" A voice peaked out from the corner. Clary turned lightly, not to spook the horse and she recognized David, one of the two men that had helped her and Jace. Clary narrowed her eyes at him in confusion. "He never lets anyone get that close to him, let alone pet him. He must trust you."

Clary looked back at the small colt, "He is such a sweetheart. And it's probably the baby that makes him content with me."

Jace walked up behind Clary slowly to out his arms around her belly and rested his chin on the top of her head. Jace outstretched his arm to rest his hand over Clary's. The colt just looked at him and nudged their hands wanting more attention. Clary giggled as Jace spoke, "Or it could be the heavenly fire that draws him in because he likes me too."

Clary smiled and looked at the other two horses, approaching the white one, she put her hand out again to stroke the mane. The horse looked at Clary with her dark eyes and then nudged her hand toward her snout. Clary smiled and began petting the horse between her eyes. "What are their names?" Clary never took her eyes off the horse, but she knew that David was still there.

City of Heavenly Fire: My VersionWhere stories live. Discover now