The Proposal

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As I promised, here is the proposal from Jace's point of veiw. How he asks to marry his beautiful redhead. And how his bride to be's mother reacts. Please comment and tell me what you think!

He was pacing back and forth waiting for Jocelyn and Luke to arrive. His blonde curls were clinging to the back of his neck with nervous sweat. His heart was beating rapidly inside his chest, rushing so fast, it felt as if he was running.

He heard the clanging of the elevator, meaning his guests were approaching. Everyone was in the kitchen, besides Jace, as he was waiting in the library for the adult couple to approach. He tuned his hearing to the elevator, counting the seconds until they walking into the library.

He had practiced his speech a thousand times, but it didn't help his nerves. He was trembling, it was hardly visible, but it made his mind race with questions. How will they react? Will they notice I'm that nervous? Will that impact their answers? What will they think of me now?

He tried to get his mind to shut up by running over the monologue again. Mouthing the words until he came face to face with his nightmare. Jocelyn.

She hated him enough, so now that he was going to ask the biggest question of his life, what will she say now?

He swallowed hard and took in a shaky breath, "Okay."

Luke raised his brows, "Are you nervous or something?"

Jace closed his eyes for a second, "Not at all."

Luke nodded his head, but he knew he was lying. He could see the sweat on his forehead. A light coat of it, but it was barely visible.

Jocelyn took a seat on the couch across from Jace who was still standing. She raised her eyebrows as he didn't sit down. "Are you alright?"

He looked up at her and nodded his head, "Yes, I am okay."

She shook her head and furrowed her brow but shook it off, "So why did you ask us here?"

Jace looked at her squarely and finally sat down on the couch across from the couple. "I asked you here because I have a very important question to ask you. The both of you." He took a deep breath and shook his head as if to clear it. "I know that you are both giant portions of Clary's life, and you are her parents, so I wanted to ask you and confirm everything with you before I talked to her about it."

Jocelyn's eyes widened and she looked at Luke, who was calm and collected. He smiled, "I have been expecting this for quite some time."

Jace gazed at the other man, "Is it that obvious? That it has been the question on my mind?"

Luke nodded his head with a smirk.

"Keep going," Jocelyn insisted a hint of worry and nervousness in her voice.

All his thought vanished, every word that he had practiced, the whole speech he had, disappeared from his brain once he opened his mouth, "I wanted to ask if it was possible for me... For me to..." Taking in another shaky breath he sighed, "I never stutter, and I'm never nervous. What has she done to me?" He put his hands to the side of his head and knotted them in his hair. When he looked back up, he saw a smiling Luke and a grin on Jocelyn's face.

He shook his head again, "I have practiced this over a hundred times, and I never pictured it being this hard."

"Just speak honestly, act as if we aren't even here," Luke said and moved a little closer, close enough to put his hand on Jace's shoulder.

When he leaned back, Jace thought to himself. Not even here. Not even here. He whispered it to himself in his mind over and over again for a good minute. He imagined himself in the greenhouse. The first time he kissed Clary. How he felt when he had first met her in the Pandemonium. How whenever she was around, it was like he was a looking glass or a piece of art in her eyes. How she could see right through him.

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