Pregnancy Hormones =)

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A month had passed since Jocelyn and Luke got married, Clary and Jace had chosen a date for their wedding, Simon and Isabelle had stopped arguing all day every day, Magnus and Alec were going strong from their previous break up but were still talking about their issues. Maia and Jordan were still staying at the Institute, and Robert and Maryse had been working on their marriage, they got through the separation thoughts and decided to work it out.

Clary was sitting on her and Jace's bed; she had a very small baby bump, you wouldn't see it if you didn't know she was pregnant. Part of it came from her having the strange cravings and a big appetite. She had her hand over her belly, smiling to herself, brushing her fingers over her baby bump. Up and down. Up and down. It was kind of tickling her but she didn't care, she liked the way it felt.

Her body was pulled up and into a pair of arms and legs, wrapping around her. She giggled as he leaned down and kissed her mouth. She was laying down in lap, her head on his chest; his legs on either side of hers. They were just sitting there on the bed, enjoying each other's company. She was tired and her feet were hurting and swollen. She grunted as she tried to stretch out her foot and ankle. "Damn that hurt."

"What? What hurt?" Jace asked his voice concerned.

"My foot. I tried to stretch it out and it cramped up a little. Well, not cramped but kind of just felt like a nerve pinched." She scrunched her face in pain as she felt it again.

"Here," Jace pulled her up higher and moved to set her back against the pillows. He stood up and sat at the end of the bed, grabbing her foot in his hands and began rubbing it.

"Aw, you do love me." Clary said in a little kid's voice, giggled and wiggled her toes.

Jace smiled chuckling at her and shook out his head, his long hair shaking with his laughter, "Of course I love you." His eyes were bright and filled with love. "How could I not love you?"

"I don't know, I guess I'm just irresistible." Clary said seriously and crossed her arms and turned her eyes to the ceiling, a smirk on her face.

"Of course you are, if you weren't, we wouldn't be in this situation," he wiggled his eyebrows at her making her laugh out loud.

"What situation would that be?"

"Engaged and pregnant, foot cramps, strange cravings, your, umm..." Jace stopped abruptly to search for the right word, "Growth spurt." He smiled at her as if he was trying to avoid her hitting him.

She glared at him, "Did you just call me fat?" She crossed her arms defensively and eyes filled with anger and betrayal.

"No, I didn't, I'm just saying that you're a month pregnant and you have already expanded a little bit, and I'm not saying your stomach."

"So you're staring elsewhere?" She had an amused stare that still held some anger and arms still crossed. "Where are you referring to?"

Jace gave her his famous predatory stare that she grew familiar to, that seductive stare that she loved. His stare that made her inside turn to water, "I think you already know." His hands stopped massaging her foot. He set it to the side and crawled up the bed to lean over her and kiss her slowly and languorously with so much love.

Her arms made their way up to his neck and wrapped around him, her fingers tangling in his hair and pulling him closer. He moved into a position where he had more room to move closer to her and deepen the kiss. She felt him suck her bottom lip into his mouth and bring his teeth down and grind it between them.

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