Chunky Monkey

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Jace took Clary by surprise and swooped her up and kissed her. She wrapped her legs around him to hold herself up, she didn't care about who was in the room. She had felt a shock, but that didn't stop her from leaning into the kiss. When Jace set her back down she looked into his dark gold eyes, she swore she could get lost in them just dreaming about what life will be like after Sebastian is gone. She reached up and kissed him again, as if there was nothing wrong in the world, there was just the two of them.

"Excuse me. I would appreciate it if, I don't know. YOU TWO GOT A ROOM!!!" Simon yelled to get Clary and Jace to stop. Simon could tell even if Jocelyn agreed, she still disliked Jace enough to drag him by his hair and off her daughter.

Jace broke away from Clary, he could feel Jocelyn's gaze on them like a hot poker against his back. He was about to let Clary go until she reached her arms around him and wouldn't let go.

I am thinking she is bipolar. First she hates me, then she loves me. Then she can't look at me and now she can't let me go. What is wrong with her? He just hugged her back trying to keep the heavenly fire inside him, he couldn't bear it if he hurt her.

"Am I interrupting something?" A voice came from the door.

"James!" Tessa screamed and ran after the man standing in the door way.

James picked her up in a hug and spun her around. When he put her down he kissed her. He looked so familiar Clary thought, but why? Instead of asking she said something else out loud.

"Looks to me that we are interrupting something." She said with a smirk on her face. Jace looked down at her and smiled.

She was starting to sound like him and Jace liked it.

James and Tessa broke apart and looked at Clary with a sudden shocked amusement in both of their eyes, before they started laughing.

"You're starting to sound like Jace when you talk like that Clarissa." James said.

"Why do you look so fami—-"

"I think she knows. I guess it saves my explanation."

"Well, then Clary can tell me what is going on and who this dude standing in the door is." Isabelle said staring in confusion.

"Brother Zachariah." Clary said still staring at James.

"What?" Everyone in the room said, save Clary, James and Tessa.

Isabelle leaned into Clary and whispered, "Okayy, when did Brother Zachariah get hot?"

Magnus was a tragic mess he had mascara rubbed around his eyes to make him look like a raccoon that bit into a glitter rocket and it exploded on the damn thing. His hair was so dirty and greasy he didn't even need hair gel to spike it, all he had to do was run his fingers through his hair.

Magnus was moved by the sound of his doorbell. Probably another one of Alec's little Shadowhunters. If it is any of them he silently hoped it was Clary. She seemed to be the only one who ever understood a word he was saying, and she knew what he was feeling, I mean the whole, 'I thought we were brother and sister,' thing. Jace knew the feeling but Magnus didn't like him as much as he did Clary, plus he watched her grow up, he knew her well, maybe more than he should. But he still knew her compared to the rest of them. She always said the right thing. She even almost got him crawling back to Alec once. She was good but comforting more than anything else. Every time she came over she brought ice cream and the seasons of CSI and then would sing to him while he cried in her lap. She was probably the only one he could tolerate.

When he opened the door he saw the last person he wanted to see right now, Alec.


Magnus cut him off with the door slamming in his face.

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