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Everything begins to move so fast for yuta. One day it was slowly moving as they embraced each other and were holding hands. But soon he will hop on a plane to Chicago to be married to who he claims to be the love of his life.

Don't get him wrong he loves Mark with a Passion he doesn't envision himself with anyone else. However he feels like time needs to slow down just a little bit. Yuta felt like just yesterday Mark asked him out for the first time. He never imagined that these years would pass by so fast.

Yuta sat up in his nice size bed on his soft and velvety sheets for the last time before being betrothed with Mark. 

It felt almost surreal but at the same time he couldn't help us smile. Yuta wanted time to slow down drastically, but he was happy that if time passed by without warning he got to spend it with this incredible person next to him.

"Yuta, honey are you alright?" Yuta felt Mark stir next to him. Soon he felt warm hands curse his skin. "I'm fine, just excited." 

"Me too. But get some sleep." Yuta felt those soft lips touch his skin. "Ok." Yuta laid down and let Mark snuggle him. 

But it was useless for him to try and enter dreamland. No matter what he did, he couldn't. Yuta counted sheep, numbers and even his fingers for crying out loud, while it was dark nothing seemed to work. It all just felt like his mind purposely wanted to keep him awake which he hated at the moment.

Yuta gently moves Mark's hands before standing up and heading to their balcony. He stood out on it just bathing in the moonlight. He just couldn't get everything out of his head no matter how hard he tried. Nothing seemed to work.

Yuta felt like he was overthinking everything but then he felt like he was under thinking the impossible. He was happy and ecstatic but also sad that he's getting older. He blames that for making him the most restless. To all avail, when glanced over his shoulder, noticing mark's sleeping figure made him gush and smile with ecstasy.

All of a sudden his mood changes faster than a second, and nothing could change this new healing feeling that he had right now and so he headed back to mark and again wrapped himself back in mark's arms before he could finally and peacefully enter dreamland.

Yuta felt himself being shoved gently over and over again. He just thought it wasn't time to get up, however the sunshine that shined in his eyes said it was time to get up. Yuta lifts his head up and sees who's the person shoving him, of course it's his love mark. 

"Good morning starshine." Yuta smiled and greeted Mark back before making grabby hands to him. As he wanted Mark picked him out of the bed because Mark honestly knew how lazy he was in the morning. Yuta in the meantime of him being carried just laid his head on Mark's well built shoulder.

"Here." Yuta looked down and grabbed his toothbrush that Mark just handed him. "Thanks." Mark and him did their morning routine before heading out to pick out their clothes. 

"Kiss kiss." Yuta puckers up his lips to Mark waiting for the kiss. Oh how Mark wanted to be stubborn today. "Yah kiss kiss." Yuta pulled Mark's head down so the Canadian was forced to meet those brown almond eyes. Yuta made his duck lips while looking up to mark. 

Yuta gasps when Mark doesn't kiss him at all. "Fine, looking ugly." Yuta was obviously salty right now so he did what any reasonable person did. He acted like he didn't want a kiss in the first place when it's obvious that he wanted one. 

"If you want a kiss that bad let me give you one." Mark leaned down to give him, but yuta wasn't having this clearly. Yuta smiled as he pushed a sponge shaped like a heart by his lips.

"Oh c'mon man, give me a kiss. I carried you all the way here." Yuta rolled his eyes and walked out the bathroom away from Mark. "You should've thought about that before you denied my acts of affection."

Yuta started to mind his own business as he changed his clothes and packed for their trip to Chicago. "Wha.... put me down you little lion." Yuta bit his bottom lip as he struggled to get out of the other's hug. 

"Nope you didn't give me my morning kiss." Yuta looked at Mark and kissed him. "Now let me go so I can get ready," yuta looked at the time only to see it was 8 am.

Yuta's mouth dropped open, he literally didn't have to wake up until noon. "Why did you wake me up so early?" 

"I will let you go now." Mark let go of yuta. He tried to sneak away but yuta grabbed the neck piece in the back of his iron man pj's. "Why am I up this early, Mark?" 

"I wanted to mess with the others... where are you going." Yuta ran over and jumped on their bed. "Wake me up at noon." He pulled the covers over his small frame, covering each part including his long black hair.

"We almost missed our flight!" 

"Mark, don't overreact. We were literally an hour early." Yuta looked around the place that they were sitting at. "We're still here." Yuta exclaimed. He was mighty grumpy because he didn't like to be awakened, yet here he was sitting in the airport just listening to how they were showing up an hour late.

Yuta flicked Mark's forehead. "Stop whining, you big baby. I didn't even hit you that hard."

Mark rubbed his forehead. He had a scrunched up face and yuta couldn't help but to laugh at it. "Really tell that to my brain that you just show dislocated." 

Yuta went to flick Mark again, however their nervous boarding saved some of Mark's brain cells. 

Yuta was ecstatic. He was finally closer to being married to the love of his life. If anyone would ask him, yuta would tell them that he is ready to take on the world with their unconditional love.

Timeless {Yumark +win}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora