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This chapter hits on touchy subjects. So warning

Yuta was home, Mark never left his side.

"Yuta please say something." Mark stood next to the older dressed in an all white sweatpantsand a sweatshirt. He watched the Japanese stare out of the window, patch on his eye and neck clawed up like a cat done it.
Mark had been trying to get yuta to say something for the past three days, so far nothing worked.

Mark tried everything, however the only response he got was seeing tears flow down yuta's eyes. It was breaking his heart and it left him pondering of the unknown. But most of all Mark felt useless.

"Mark "

When yuta spoke Mark was right next to him. He quickly gave yuta his hand for just in case he needed it. Truthfully he didn't want yuta to need it, he just wanted to hold his hand.
"Yes my love." Mark strokes the soft hand of yuta as he stared at him lovingly.

"Shouldn't I have know this would happen, and didn't you say that you wouldn't care?" Yuta removes his hand from Mark. He stands up and walks from in front of the window.

Mark watches as the sunlight that was once caste upon yuta figure was now on him. Mark hated that he said that. He knew that he just mentally smacked yuta in his face.

Mark walks behind yuta and wraps his arms around him. The older stood by a different window in their house. Mark needed to feel the older close to him.

"I Shouldn't have said that. Even if you hung out with him you didn't deserve it. I care about you and I'm incredibly sorry." Mark held on tighter, "Please forgive me."

Yuta once again didn't respond. He just frowned at the setting sun. He didn't know what to say, he was not in shock anymore, he was in question. "Mark, aren't you and sicheng together?" Yuta made Mark release his grip so he could escape.

Yuta just needed time. He needed a break from his life. He walks out the room leaving Mark behind.

"Mr.Wang do you have any idea what you have gotten yourself into?" The male looks into the the policeman eyes. He couldn't help but to notice the green orbs under the lamp light which was the only surface.

Jian messed with his fingers, "no I don't know. Can you inform me?" Jian ruffles his hands through his hair as the policeman left to get get his attorney.

He needed a game plan to escape possible execution. So he decided to play dumb. His orbs snaps up to the door when it clicks open.

"Well Mr.wang, did you know anything about restraining order between you and Mr.Nakamoto?" His attorney asked as he fixed his buttoned up grey suit.

"I believe I was informed but I don't remember any of it." Jian started to get nervous, he involuntarily tapped his foot while waiting for the other two to speak. 

"Well you did break it and you did say you were informed, there for we will take you into custody." The policeman said.

Jian stood up as the policeman got closer. "Please turn around with your hands behind your back." Jian did as he was told. When those cold shackles were placed around his wrist he shivered.

Jian was brought into a room, he was all alone. That's how his life has always been. He barely remember anything about his childhood. All he remembers is the separation between them.

He didn't know how long he was sitting there, but he seen the policeman com back. "Jian someone bailed you out, but you will be put on probation since this is your first mess up we will allow it. However we won't next time."

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