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(30 minutes before departure)

Yuta was happily standing in the mirror on his wedding day. He messed with his long black hair, parting his hands through it just to make sure it was perfect. 

Everything was already done so the last thing there was for him to do is wait. Waiting seemed harder than he imagined because a million things Flowed through his head.

"Knock knock." Yuta's head jerked to the door. There stood Taeyong that smiled like an idiot while holding a dozen flowers in his hands. "Hello my friend." Taeyong continued to smile warmly as he passed the flowers over to yuta.

"For me? Thank you." Yuta put the flowers down before looking back at taeyong. "Thanks for being here, it means a lot to me." Yuta said sincerely. He couldn't help but to think about everything that Taeyong has done for him. 

"Of course, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." Taeyong hugged yuta. Yuta smiled so grandly and fondly at this moment.  To say he was happy would be such an understatement.

Both of the boys pop their heads up when they hear someone clear their throat. " Am I a little too early to congratulate you?" 

Yuta day just got a thousand times  better. "No dad." Yuta hugged his father. Taeyong walked out wanting to give them some time alone. As the door closed, Yuta pulled back from the hug and looked at his father. " Where's mama? I want to see her." 

Yuta's eyebrows furrowed when his father didn't answer him. But the look that his father's face morphed into said it all. "She isn't here is she?"

"No, don't cry." Mr.Nakamoto wiped his son's face as he seen his eye fill up with tears. He didn't mean to make yuta upset on his big day. He'll he never wanted to see his son upset at all because that was his only son and he was closer to be the youngest than anything. 

"I'm sorry yuta, she wanted to come really bad but she couldn't due to reasons." Yuta sat down trying not to listen to his dad words anymore. "Yuta i.... I will see you soon." His dad kissed him on the head before walking out leaving him alone.

Yuta grabbed some of the powder pad and dabbed onto his face just trying to cover up the puffiness. He was almost getting done when his phone rang. He dropped everything and picked up the phone.


"Yuta this is your mother's personal doctor." 

Yuta really stopped everything he was doing to listen to the other woman on the phone. 

"Is she fine?"

"Actually no, her sickness has gotten worse by the day." Yuta heard a long breath on the other in. It honestly scared him more. "She only has a few days left..."

Yuta let the phone fall from his fingers. He wasn't ready, he hasn't seen her in years. Sure they talked on the phone but that wasn't enough. Yuta admit that his thinking was irrational but he needed to leave right now. 

Yes he did think about his wedding, but it's his mother she was the only one he had. The choice was obviously a no brainer about which one he picked. 

Yuta didn't want anyone to see him so he opened his window. The distance wasn't that far, and there was trees so if he did fall the wrong way the trees can catch him. "Yuta you're going on in two min..."

"Johnny I'm leaving." Yuta said. As he made the plan out in his mind. 

He had to leave he needed to be on his way to Japan now. He couldn't let his mother slip away with letting her know how much he loved her. He wanted to show how much she mean to him.

"Yuta you can't. It can wait. Whatever your thinking don't you dare..."

"Tell Mark I love him and I will be back." Yuta jumped out the window. He made an "oof." Sound as his body landed on the tree a little harder than expected. He quickly stood up and ran towards the main street. He didn't care that he had brown splotches on his white attire. His main mission was to get to Japan.

"Taxi!" He yelled as the yellow car pulled up by him. He basically jumped in, heart still racing he slaps over three hundred dollars down. "To the airport stat!" 

The man driving pulled off quickly. They might have broken speed limits, but yuta didn't care. When they got to the airport the man looked to yuta, "total is fifty... oh wow thanks." The taxi driver smiled as yuta handed him three hundred before running out of the car and up the airport stairs.

He got through the medal detectors and that process and ran again. He ran to the desk where you could by late tickets. "Please do you have any ticket to Osaka Japan? I need it now." 

Yuta watched with eagerness as the attendant at the desk look through the computer. "Yes one for tomorrow." Yuta didn't want to settle but he bought it anyways.

He looked so done with the world right now. "Is there any planes going out to Osaka today?" The woman pointed to a section where many people were sitting. 

He walked over to a woman who looked like she really wasn't in a rush. "Hey ma'am can I ask you something?" Yuta pulled out his pocket book. "I have a ticket to Osaka for tomorrow, can you please switch me tickets?"

The woman looked skeptical. "Please i will give you anything just name your price. Please I need to get home to see my mother." Yuta was begging. He just really needed to see his mother and he doesn't think that she can last another day by the way the doctor describe her condition. He unconsciously started to let the tears fall without knowing it was happening. 


"Of course here you go." The woman handed him her ticket, in return he gave her a shit load of money. He could see how surprised the woman was but he was more focused on getting to his mother. 

"Hang in there mama. I coming." He said once the plane begin to board.

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