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Warning very mature description ahead.

Yuta woke up with a grunt. First thing he noticed was his hands tied on either sides of his head. His legs were also spread apart. He wasn't even in his clothes that he originally had on.

He felt sick to his stomach. Not knowing where he was or what happened.
Yuta glares to the door that swings open. "Jian, what are you doing?"

The older male closes the door and leans his back on it. "I wasn't sure that I had felt a connection. However when you defended Me to all of your friends and you had no idea what my name was.." Jian rubs under his chin. "That let me know that this is real love."

"What? Are you crazy?" Yuta eyes pops open as Jian pulls out a pocket knife and walks closer. "What person would kidnap their lover?" Yuta tries to move away, but the rope around his arms and feet prohibits him.

"Um many people." Jian squinted his eyes, "you must not watch the news or American tv."

The only thing running through yuta's head was this mother fucker is crazy, so crazy.

"I love you yuta. I wish you could see me the way you see Mark or sicheng." The elder Chinese leans down to yuta's level. His face was so close to yuta's. Their lips mere centimeters apart. "I wish you could see the things that I do for you."

Yuta shriek when Jian lays a kiss on his lips. This was past the level of violation to privacy. In the pit of yuta's stomach, he could feel the pain of neglect and the fear of the older in front of him.
Those feelings didn't easily mix well.

As Jian got more touchy, yuta couldn't understand how he got in the situation. He only ate a little bit of food, and took a few sips from his drink. Then it hit him.
"Did you drug me?"

"What?" Jian moves back. His face starts to turn a deep shade of red. Yuta could hear and see the heavy rising in his chest. "Yuta I love you. Isn't that all that matters? I can make your dreams come true."

"I don't love you." Yuta chokes back a sob when Jian starts to straddle him. "Why are you doing this?" Yuta made eye contact with the man. Yuta seen eyes are dead as a doll's eyes staring right at him.

"I told you it's because I love you. I need you." Jian grabs a fistful of yuta's locks. "Tell me that you love me. I will give you everything you ever desire. I can make you feel things that other's can't."

"I won't lie to you." Yuta struggles against the restraints again. "Is this what you did to Jackson?" Yuta says.

Jian grabs the smaller neck tightly. He only let up the grip once yuta started to gasp for air. "So you do remember?" Jian watch as more and more anxiety rose in the pupil of yuta. "Jackson wanted everything he got. Just like you do."

(30 minute after yuta left.)

"I love yuta." Mark looks at sicheng. "I know it doesn't seem that way since me and you started to date...."

"Mark stop, I also love yuta. I tried to mend our differences because I wanted yuta to be happy." Sicheng grabs Mark's face. "I wish things were different. Is it possible to be in love with two people at the same time?"

Mark shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know let me ask Johnny." The blonde pulls out his phone and dials his cousin's number.
"Yo Johnny?"

"Yeah what's up?"

Johnny seems rushed. Mark didn't miss how the older seems to be out of breath either.
Pushing that aside Mark asked his very important question.
"Can you possibly be in love with two people at the same time?"

It took a few moments for Johnny to answer, "yes you can. It's perfectly normal actually." A loud sound can be heard on Johnny's end. "Mark if this is about you loving both sicheng and yuta, just sit them both down and tell them."

"Johnny how........"

"Fuck Mark, really how dense can you be?" The American sounds more and more out of breath.

"Johnny don't tell me you are hurt. I can...."

"We're fucking now leave him alone." Jaehyun voices says into the phone. Both sicheng and Mark looks shocked. Oh how both Johnny and jaehyun would've laughed if they would have seen those faces.

"Uh I will let you get back to it " Mark, face as red as a tomato, quickly hangs up. He looks at sicheng. "So we need to tell yuta how we feel." Mark tells sicheng.

The older nods his head in agreement. He felt that maybe all three of them had one big connection beyond compare. Mark grabs a red jacket and swings it on. "Let's find yuta and talk to him."

Sicheng puts his hood on and headed out before Mark. Both of them calls yuta's phone over and over in the car. It was redundant that yuta wouldn't answer, but only then did both of their worry increase. They knew it wasn't like yuta to not say a thing or even text them.

They knew something was up, and they traced it back to the one and only wang. "I think yuta is in trouble." Mark says as he speeds down the freeway.

"Yeah I felt that weird feeling in the pit of my stomach when I seen that guy. He was very suspicious but I didn't say anything." Sicheng confess.

This throws Mark off completely. Mark also felt the same thing about that man. It wasn't them being paranoid it was vibe that the older gave off. Not only this but when three weeks prior, Mark had talked to jungwoo who said the exact same thing.

What was so crazy about jungwoo saying those thing to Mark was the fact that jungwoo doesn't have a mean bone in his body, he sees everyone as great people who make mistakes. However when. Jungwoo said "that wang, the eldest son give me not so good vibes. I think whoever gets close to him need to watch out. In other words he is a freak and a bad guy."

Mark knew then and there that trusting this guy would leads to their ultimate downfall. As he zooms past many streets, Mark is hoping that angel wings were rapped around yuta and that this awful man didn't just rip the life out of him.


Sorry for the very late update. I really wanted to get a chapter out before I went on vacation but it didn't happen, also I have been having medical problems so the updates might become more slow until I know what is happening to my body.

Timeless {Yumark +win}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora