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Sicheng pulled out his flashlight and turned it on. He began to walk down a dark street as the heavy rain purred. "Things that I do for yuta." Sicheng sighed,

He soon realized that looking for yuta in the dark is impossible. 

Sicheng ran back to his car. He opened the door and slung himself in the car before pulling off towards the town. He was going to come back with more people to help him complete his search. "Don't worry the more the better." He said to himself. He then pulled off heading back into the town. 

Yuta looked at the headlights that pulled off. He stood up holding his leg that he injured from falling multiple times. He tried to run as fast as he could. He yelled for the car to stop. He knew that car. He knew it was sicheng. If only he had known that the younger was coming to get him he would've stayed put.

When yuta made it back to the street the car was already gone. He felt like giving up. The rain crashing on his weak body wasn't helping either. 'Wait he headed back into the city. I can find the city by following the way he went.' Yuta thought. He felt hope spring back into his body.

Yuta did just that. He traveled on that lonely dark road. It wouldn't be the first time. He continued to trod until he saw the lights of the city. "Yes I'm almost there." Yuta limped past multiple trees.
"Finally civilization!" It took him some hours, but he made it.

He walked into the nearest convenient store and went up to the store clerk. "Sir I need to use your phone. Can I?" Yuta asked the man who looked at him with a skeptical face. 

"Sure," the man handed Yuta the phone. "Are you ok, do you need anything?" The man felt like Yuta looked familiar, but he just couldn't remember from where.

"No, I just need to borrow this." Yuta smiles when he successfully pulls up the dialing pad. "Thank you." Yuta opened the phone and dialed a number. "Hey I'm at this convenient store. Please come and pick me up." Yuta's eyes lit up as the person said they were on their way. Yuta handed the man his phone back. 

The man nodded and looked down at his phone. It was open on his bank app. He saw his account get filled with thousands of dollars. He tilted his head to the side confused. But then a text told him what to do. He reached into his draw and pulled out a pistol. 

Kill him

Yuta looked at the man with terror in his eyes. "Sir what are you doing?" Yuta walked slowly up to the counter top. He was starting to breathe hard.

"I have to kill you. Someone just paid me enough to support my family for years on end. I'm taking the deal." The man looked sad but he still garnish enough hatred to do the malevolent task.

Yuta snatched the man's phone and ran out of the store. He dived into the bushes after hearing multiple shots being fired off like fireworks. Yuta held his breath when the man walked passed.

When the man was out of sight, Yuta took off again. He was able to navigate his way to the part of Seoul that he actually knew where to go. "I went through the back way." Yuta realized his surroundings. When he looked to the lake he knew when he saw Taeyong's old house, now the dreamies house,  that his house was nearby. After all they live right around the corner from each other.

The Japanese continued down the path of the back way. He pulled out his phone and called Mark. "Pick up please."

Pow pow pow

Yuta looked over his shoulder to see that man. He made his way up to his front door. He knocked on it for dear life. 

The man got closer and yuta knew if no one was in their main area than his knocks were not being heard. Yuta had to think fast. 'No keys and no time. The only way to get in. "The Skylight!"

Yuta ran right to the latter. He began to climb as fast as his injured leg could carry him.


Yuta fell from the latter, wincing while holding his side. He whines as more blood gushes from the shot wound. Yuta stopped whining when he heard the footsteps getting closer. 

The Japanese quickly shut his eyes and played dead. The man tapped him a couple of times before running away.

Yuta, after waiting a couple of seconds after the man left, tries to stabilize his breathing. After collecting himself he immediately began to climb the latter again. The bullet had gone straight through his side which was now causing him a lot of pain. He slipped a couple of time while  making his way up to their skylight. He crawled  over to the button that could open it. "Open, why aren't you opening?" 

Yuta started to freak out. He felt so close but yet so far. He pulled out the phone. He called Mark once again. It rang multiple times. Yuta pulled the phone away from his ear. He was so close to pressing the end call....


"Mark it's me yuta!" Yuta screeched out over the phone. His vision started to get blurry and his mind hazy. Despite the pain he was happy to hear Mark's voice. 

"Yuta where are you?" Yuta looked around while hyperventilating. The rain wasn't purring as much. But his heart beat filled up most of his senses. Yuta felt himself basically dying. He could feel every inch of blood oozing from his fragile body.. 

"Yuta please tell me what you see."

Yuta laid down on his back Mark words were becoming muffled. He couldn't focus on anything. He looked up to the sky. "I can see your stars." Yuta let the phone fall from his grasp. He was now unconscious under the night sky.

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