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It was the day that Mark was so prepared for. He had waxed his skin. That's saying a lot because he hated waxing his body. He went on diets to look a little more fit, but that was useless because his body was already well toned.

He couldn't wait to finally call yuta his. He couldn't wait for people to say congratulations. Just imagining all of it made Mark smile from ear to ear. He rubbed the back of his head slowly messing up his hair. 

Mark looked at his reflection in the almost fairytale-like mirror, it reminded him of the one that the evil queen would ask 'who is the fairest?' Knowing damn well it wasn't her. He patted his brown hair, before messing with the front part of his hair to fully reveal his forehead. He bit the inside of his lip just looking at how the pastel pink made his lips look so soft.

He chuckles to himself as he fixes his tie on his own, he remembers how him and yuta had a little altercation with his tie one time.

He looked at the brochure that showed him how the ballroom  was set up. His eyes sparkled at the classically white walls, with sparks giving off that heaven/ innocent vibe. 

The tables and floors had  roses,  daffodils, and orchids sprawled on the floor and tables. The ceilings had fake clouds  accompanied by nice hanging glass chandeliers. Mark finally took in the fact that this moment was real, he was really marrying the one, his one. If you asked him to name all of Yuta's flaws, he feels that it's not possible when someone is as perfect as yuta.

Mark knew that no one could ever replace yuta, nothing in the world could ever compare.  He wouldn't trade this moment for a million or gazillion diamond rings or even dollars. Towers of gold would be far too little in his opinion. 

Mark was in his dressing room. He was sitting just truly deeply taken in and understanding what this meant to him. All of the little things that yuta did passed through his head and made him melt with the warmth of love. 

"Are you ready?" Mark looked up to be faced with Johnny and his father standing side by side. "As ready as I'll ever be." Mark brushed off his clothes and stood up. The crisp edges of his traditional black suit outlined his toned and lean muscles. 

With each step he took toward the magnificent center place where his life would be tied with yuta's, he grew nervous, not the bad kind but the ones that be like 'hopefully I don't fart." Type of vibes.

Entering the ballroom made his heart skip a beat. The Canadian kept his steps steadfast just looking like a million bucks with each strut. As he stood on the placed stage, the brunette waited for the moment to see his lover. He took deep breaths as the classical music continued to fill his ears alongside the chit-chat of the guest.

Finally a specific song played indicating the soon arrival of his lover. He breathed just staring down the aisle waiting. The door opened but someone else walked out.  "Mark!" Mark looked at Johnny calling him down. 

The brunette watched as many heads turned with confusion as his eyes wandered around the Chrystal white ballroom. He felt like it was a cruel prank on him. There was no way yuta.... his yuta left him in the dust like this. No he couldn't accept it. 

The music finally stopped making the atmosphere that much more awkward. It sounded just like those funny moments in sitcoms when the trombone player just has to drag that last note.

"Please don't tell me." Mark said as he walked off the stage. His limb went numb, but his body still walked towards the exit. He walked towards Yuta's dressing. There was no way, maybe he was stuck somewhere. 

Mark checked to see if the room was locked. Seeing that it was, Mark grabbed the key hidden in a plant vase. He clutched it in his hands while slowly pushing the door open. "He's here... yeah he is." Mark repeats. 

The keys dropped to the carpeted ground, tears started to fall with no mercy. Mark went through the whole room. He still felt like it was a cruel prank on him. He flipped chairs over, tore up closets, and even swung out every single draw. 

Right now he was the meaning of try hard till you die hard. Mark slid down the wall in the corner of the room, he grabbed his brown roots as his lip quivered ever so slightly. That's when it all soaked in like seasoning, "Yuta's gone." 

The tears continued to fall as he thought about how happy they have been in the past months. Mark was beyond shocked, he couldn't have guessed this outcome. He started to wonder if there was writing on the wall that could have predicted this act of monstrosity. 

Mark started to slowly but surely hate himself. He started to believe that maybe he caused this, maybe he wasn't what yuta wanted, maybe he didn't give the older one enough. 

But if any of that was true then why did yuta seem so happy to Mark? He thought they both fell for each other, but maybe yuta's feet were planted firmly on the edge, not ready to completely fall.

Did yuta even mean all of the times he said 'I love you'? Mark couldn't decide between being angry or straight sad. 

Tired of throwing himself a mini pity party, Mark got up from the corner of the room. He walked to the planner of the wedding and told him to cancel it. 

Mark watched all of the guests leave the ballroom. He heard the little sympathetic quotes and words being said from some of them, but nothing made him feel up to par right now.

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