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The days that followed the suicide of the last wang were kinda of dragging. Yuta was over blaming himself. He needed to move forward.

He laid on the couch being lazy. To be honest he wish he had a stabilize job, but he doesn't. All he do is stay at home and be bored. He want to watch the kids but Jaehyun and Johnny always take them.

Yuta cursed doing laundry but to pass the time he did just that. He separated the darks from the lights, then the lights from the whites. Sometimes he hated clothes. All of a sudden being naked all day didn't seem so bad. 

The Japanese huffs out as he continues to through the clothes into the washer. He pressed the start button then gladly laid back down on the couch. He didn't think being bored could be so boring.  Yuta frowns when something glistens in the light catching a nice shine to his eyes. he slowly walks over to the table. 

Yuta sharply pushes the table over to reveal a red velvet box. On the box was a gold lining. "what is this?" yuta didn't know what to think. His mind kept saying that it was a ring or necklace, however when he opened the velvet case, all he seen was a key. 

Yuta raises his eyebrows at the key. He started to wonder how long that case could have been behind the table. yuta studies the key. It had a strange shape to it, like all keys have. But this one key was smaller than most keys.  yuta walks up the stairs with the key in hand. It was like his very own mystery.

As he stepped to his room door, yuta seen a little chest. It was clear as day that the chest wasn't there earlier. In fact yuta had walked the halls ever ten minutes, well minus when he was doing the laundry.

Yuta stuck the key in the slot and turned it. The chest pops open. Yuta jumps back when he was almost hit by a random paper ball that flew out.

He picked it up and opened it up as he was crouched down to smoothen the wrinkles out.

Take a trip down memory lane to the days before we said goodbye, a memory where the stakes were high. There in that special room a gift awaits you.
             From sicheng.

Yuta clicks his tongue on his teeth as he thought. "Memory lane, before we said goodbye and stakes were high?" Yuta took the note and ran to his closet.

He dropped out of his night clothes. He jumps in some blue Jean leggings. Then through a pink shirt on top. He ran down the stairs to the front door.

Yuta smoothly slips his feet in his shoes, after he swiftly grabs his coat and jet to the car outside.

Before he knew it yuta was driving up a special street. That street leads back to where all of his heart ache and troubles began. College.

Pulling up to the familiar yet so different school yuta parks and gets out of his vehicle. He locks the door and walks inside.

He seen the auditorium packed with students. He look to his left to see posters of dancers and singers all performing.

Yuta missed the warm building. He made his way to a special room. As he opens the door yuta stops. He was puzzled. His parents and siblings stood in the room. "Hey. What are you guys doing here?"

None of them answered him. They all had a smile plastered on there faces. It was mega creepy. They were dressed up, yuta thought it was probably because of the even taking place in the auditorium.

"My young boy. I forgot how grown you got." His mother walks to him with open arms. Yuta didn't think twice, matter fact he didn't even think once before engulfing the smaller woman in his arms.

"Oh my you have became such a wonderful young man." Yuta forgot how much his missed his mother. He hugged the woman and didn't want to let go.

"He takes after me. Intellectual, funny and most of all good-looking." Mr.Nakamoto says.

Yuta laughs at his dad. He was so wrapped up in his family That he didn't notice two people walking in.

"So I told that dick to shove his complaint so far up his ass. And then I woke up." Yuta listens to his eldest sister ramble about some customer she had who was and he quote "an un grateful shit head who didn't deserve anything."

"Hey, hey, hey are you ok?" Yuta asks his sister who face was more red than a tomato. He wished she would just enjoy her job at being a fashion designer. But he understands why she is frustrated.

Yuta felt his mom let go of him. He follow her with his eyes as she walks away. "Mom...."


Yuta jumps when someone calls him from behind. He whips his head around so fast that it made him dizzy.

There stood Mark and sicheng. Yuta went to speak but sicheng had already stepped forward. "You still remember. I thought you would've forgotten about this room." Sicheng grasp one of yuta's hands.

As he took his hand, mark dims the light in the room. He also closes the door and play slow soft music.

Somehow Mark and sicheng were able to recreate yuta's senior prom. That night stayed close to yuta's heart.

Sicheng pulls the older closer and closer until they were chest to chest under the replicated disco lights. "I loved you back then. I still love you now." Sicheng dipped yuta when the part came.
Holding under yuta's small frame sicheng stares lovingly into yuta's almond eyes.

"But you also left me in here." Yuta eyes peered at the very corner that he sat waiting to meet sicheng that very day. He looks back up at the younger. "I wanted nothing to do with you after you broke my heart. Yet I'm here."

"Exactly." Sicheng lifts yuta back up. His blonde locks flowing effortlessly. Sicheng turns yuta again. "But I also remember our first kiss was in here. I know this was the place we said goodbye, however let's just say that years a go wasn't a goodbye it was a see you later."

"What?" Yuta questions.

Sicheng smiles and let the older go. "It means I'm here now. I'm here to stay."

Mark steps forward and laughs. In his ears were his old hearing aids. He walked over to yuta. "How did we manage to form a relationship out of a lie? I ask myself this everyday. I ask myself because I wanted to know when did we fall so in love." Mark pulls out a matching red velvet case of the key.

"I now know how. It was off of my love to protect you, my need to be by you because you were the realist thing I had experienced since I faked my hearing loss."

Yuta couldn't comprehend what was happening. He looked down when Mark pulls out the ring with his family crest on it.

"I know you remember this. However I want to know if you remember this?" Mark and sicheng in perfect synchronization drops down to one knee.

"I..i" yuta was speechless. He looks over to his family. They all were smiling and even crying. Yuta looks back down to the two kneeling right in front of him.

"I remember when I almost called you mine. Now I brought your family here you don't run away again." Mark jokes.

Sicheng knew it was his turn to speak so he took a nice deep breath. "We both love you the moon and back. Although it was a rough coming this far, I am more than certain that I am in love with you. Not part of you, all of you." Sicheng starts.

Mark continues, " your flaws and perfection we love too. What we are wanting to say is that yuta Nakamoto will you ma...."

"Yes! Yes! A thousand time yes!"

Mark and sicheng mouth dropped open, "you didn't let us finish." They both said with evident smiles plastered on their faces.

"So I love you guys too." Yuta water drops of love fell from yuta's eyes. After they put the ring on his finger yuta hugged both of them.

He couldn't believe they loved him. He put them through hell and back. As yuta walked out the room  freshly engaged he was shocked to see the auditorium of people all clapping. Taeyong and Baekhyun had rallied all of his friends inside on the stage he could see the screen was rolled down and on it was his proposal.

They all felt like this was a new chapter. Yesterday was gone and it was never coming back. The three of them walked out of the school hand and hand.

Yuta knew that he was going to love both of them like he was going to lose them. He knew without they would do the same.

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