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Just as fast as it had left, winter came back around. It was the middle of December. The kids were getting out for school, and because it was Seoul south Korea; snow covered the ground just like the way the leaves did a few months ago.

Snow men and snow angels were being created left and right. Snow and more snow fell from the giving skies. It was the perfect winter wonderland.

Yuta picked up taerin. "Hey who's uncle yuyu favorite niece, you are. Yes you are." Yuta blabbering to baby taerin in a baby voice as if she could understand him.

"She's your only niece." Baejin flops down on the couch next to yuta who was holding his sister. "Besides I thought I was your favorite."

"You are my favorite nephew." Yuta responds. He softly bumps the upset little boy. "Besides why can't I have two favorites?"

"Because there is no difference. I should be your only favorite." Baejin crossed his arms over his chest. He pouted while moving away from yuta.

Yuta momentarily gushes over the cuteness. "you got me. You are my favorite and taerin is just something I prefer."

"Ok that's better." Baejin jumps up and lays a quick kiss on yuta's face. "Uncle yuyu don't tell anyone but you are my favorite."

"Hey but I gave you goldfish." Jaehyun jumps in the conversation. He laughs extremely hard when the two jump and even taerin had jump, maybe even popped her diaper.

"Yeah but uncle yuta gave me a cookie." Baejin states.

"A whole cookie Jaehyun. Not a half of one." Yuta adds. He smirked when jaehyun made the cut throat sign.

Mark and sicheng had showed up, brighting the room as they walked in. Yuta smiled from ear to ear as they walked by him. However his smile wiped away when he phone began to ring.

He places taerin down so she wouldn't fall. He pulls out his phone and answered.

"Yuta Nakamoto we need you down at the station right now."

The woman's voice shook Yuta up. Why did he possibly need to go downtown to the station if he didn't do anything. Deciding that he didn't want to be in anymore trouble yuta headed down to the station. 

Walking in to the now cinnamon and honey smelling place, he felt out of place. Yuta walks over to baekhyun. he rubs his hands together for warmth as his waits for baekhyun to finish talking to one of the employees.

"Yuta, nice to see you. Ummm wang Jian's last lawyer had requested to speak to you. I don't know where she has gone, but she was just here." Baekhyun looks around. He rubs under his chin. As the idea popped into his head he places his finger up in the air. "I think Jian is the on..."

Yuta looks away when he sees ten walks in. Yuta walks over to the younger who looked obliviously lost. "Ten you also got a call?"

The young Thai boy smiled to yuta before nodding his head yes. Ten frowns when a woman walks in front of them. Her black hair pinned up in a bun, her pants suit demanded attention and shows her intelligence, yet it was only  black.

"You two follow me." She strictly says. The two did as they were told and followed the woman like two lost puppies.

As they got closer they both began to understand where they were going. So far from the main building was another building where people who were mentally disturb could rest their days away. That's exactly where they headed.

When  they stepped in front the bone chilling door. The woman turned around. With a strong gaze she peered to yuta, "you don't have to go in if you don't want to. I'm going to keep it straight Jian requested to see you both."

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