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"You shouldn't have come here. You need to leave and give him some space." Taeyong guided Mark to the front door. Taeyong was playing peacemaker. But it was harder than it seems.

Taeyong is a romantic person. He much rather fix there relationship than put a wedge in between the two, however he couldn't allow Mark to get too close, he understood yuta needed sometime to figure out what he wanted.

"Hyung wait." Mark grabbed the door to stop taeyong from closing it. "I know but I can't sit back and do nothing. If I lose him I don't know what I will do. You have to help me, please." Mark poured his soul out to taeyong.

Mark needed yuta, they need each other. They were like a peanut butter jelly sandwich, delicious together but terrible apart. Mark finally let's go of the door after taeyong nodded his head, Mark was a little relieved that taeyong had agreed after all he is desperate.

"Go home Mark and get some rest." Taeyong says last before finally closing the door.
Taeyong felt bad for the both of them. One was tired of being controlled while the other wanting control to protect the other. It is such a romantic mess.

"Taeyong, who was that at the door?" Yuta asked as he walked down the stairs. He heard taeyong talking to someone but he didn't hear the other person's voice.

Yuta grabbed his tea that he left on the table early.  He then sat down on the couch waiting for taeyong to tell him who that strange person was. He fixed his long red shirt and took multiple gulpes of the strange tea while staring at the older, "You're not going to tell me who it was, will you?"

Taeyong shook his head no before meeting the eyes of the Japanese. He walked over to the leather couch with his hands in his front pockets of his blue jeans "Yuta it wasn't anyone important." Taeyong grabbed yuta's cheeks before shaking his head from side to side.

Taeyong giggled at how yuta manages to look cute as a button while being extremely upset. "Besides it would just make you even more troubled in here." Taeyong gently pushed yuta in his forehead.

Yuta could only guess of one person that taeyong could want to hide from him and that was his ex. "Was it Mark?" Yuta pulled his legs to his chest while peering up at taeyong.

The older got nervous, his hands got sweaty and throat got dry. "Yes it was bu...." taeyong stopped talking when jaehyun walked into the livingroom.

"What did he want?" Yuta asked. Yuta messed with his nails while drinking his tea as waits for taeyong to answer him again. Sometimes yuta found it very damn irritating when taeyong tries to leave him in the dark.

"Yuta you don't have to worry about it. It was taking care of." Taeyong smiles.

Yuta returned a smile, but the smile was more fake than anything. "Oh I'm happy it's taken care of." He says in a fake tone. "I'm happy that you and Mark can't seem to stop making decisions for me."

Taeyong mouth dropped open and his eyes grew wider at Yuta's sudden change in expressions. "Yuta I was just looking out for you."

"No, you guys are the same. I can make my own decisions, I'm and adult." Yuta pushed himself up off the couch and walked over to the door. "Goodnight." Just like that he left the house.

Yuta always had a backup plan, or in his case, a backup house. Yuta knocked on the once forbidden door. It didn't take long before a tale blonde head male with cheekbones for days opens up the door.

"Yuta what are you doing out so late," sicheng stepped to the side, "Come in." Sicheng closed the door after seeing yuta shyly step in to his house. If sicheng was honest he believed in his soul that yuta would have rather died than to be within fifteen feet of him, but here they are standing just five feet away from each other.

"I need a place to stay tonight, can I stay here?" Yuta asked in a quiet and shy voice. Yuta knew it was a long sho....

"Yeah of course. May I ask why you need a place to stay?" Sicheng walked over to his couch and sat down. After crossing one leg over the other, he patted the seat next to him, motioning for yuta to take a seat.

"Well if you don't already know,  Mark and I broke up." Yuta says after sitting down. He began to mess with the hem of his long shirt that matched his midnight hair. "He was just so controlling, I don't get why he does it."

Sicheng nodded his head. He understood both sides of the story really well, especially Mark's side. Sicheng pulled something out of his pocket. "I understand what you are saying, and I also understand where Mark's heart is"

Sicheng swings the heart of the ocean in yuta's face. He then places it securely around yuta's thin neck. "He was afraid," after securing the blue necklace sicheng smiles, "he was afraid of losing you. I see it in the way he acts around you."

"Bu..." yuta grabbed the necklace instinctively. "That doesn't make sense. How did you possibly come up with such an idea?" Yuta pondered. He looked down knowing that sicheng was very much spot-on.

Yuta noticed this throughout the duration of him and Mark's relationship. It all might have started off as nervous touch and sweet giggles and whispers, soon everything would turn into yuta being treated as if he was a toddler.

"Yuta even I had that fear, I was going to stop but then my secret got out. I was devastated because you were, well is all I ever wanted." Sicheng confesses. "I know it's too early but I still love you."

"You are such a dummy, you know that?" Yuta covered his face. "Why did I come here?" He began to ask himself over and over.

"You came here because," sicheng pulled yuta's hands from covering his face, "your heart wants what it wants." Sicheng pulled yuta to him and smashed their lips together.

Only adults could see what happened after that.

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