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About a month had passed since yuta had agreed to being Mark and Sicheng's boyfriend. Yuta sat down in his favorite chair. It was at Mark's desk in his study.
The now blonde head smiles when Mark stepped in the study with him.

"Good morning Mark. Did you have a good night sleep?" Yuta asked. He pushed his chair back and walks over to mark. He immediately wraps his arms over the younger's neck.

"You know I couldn't get any sleep with you and sicheng in my bed. You guys are just terrible." Mark says. He let his sneaky fingers slide down to yuta's bum which was covered by the white Gucci robe that Mark had just bought him some time ago.

"Oh is that so? I thought you slept perfectly fine after two am." Yuta teased. He nuzzle his face in the crook of Mark's neck, intaking that intoxicating scent. Mark made him feel like a bad guy.

He started to kiss on the younger's neck until the door opened. Yuta popped his head back to see who it was.

"Dang yuyu how about you eat waffles not Mark?" Sicheng skipped over to the two. He sat on the desk right behind yuta.

Yuta smiles shyly. These two were like his angel and devil. They each got different reaction from him too. When yuta was around Mark he was erotic, however around sicheng he felt timid. Especially under that gaze.

"I am going to eat waffle, but can I also eat Mark. They both are delicious." Yuta teases with the biggest smile on his face. "Besides he gives me my daily nutrition."

"Don't try to make something happen that you can handle ok?" Mark pinched yuta's cheeks. "Besides I have to work. So does sicheng."

"Oh no, now I'm going to be bored." Yuta pouts. He walks over to sicheng and sat on his lap. "I won't even have my sicheng today."

"You can always get a job." Mark jokes. He smiled when yuta whined out super loud. "Yuta stop that sounds like a moan and Johnny and jaehyun are right down stairs."

"Aww is that embarrassing for you? I though you said my moans were beautiful a...." Mark smacks his hand over yuta's mouth.

"Darling they are beautiful and heavenly. They are magnificent however not everyone need to hear them." Mark sneaks a kiss then run out.

He looked behind him to make sure sicheng was following him. They were actually skipping work to plan a surprise for yuta.

Sure enough both of the males dressed in their work attire left the house. They headed to taeyong and Baekhyun's.

"I'm super excited. What if he cries I think I will laugh so hard." Sicheng randomly says. He smiles at Mark. He placed his hands on his thigh. "This is going to be amazing."

"Of course it is. If yuta cries than I will comfort him you monster." Mark laughed.

It didn't take long before they pulled up to the byun residents. They walked up to the wooden door. Mark knocks a few times.

They waited until the door swung open. A little baejin stood at the door. His glasses were slowly slipping down his nose as his overalls looked cute. "Papa and mama said meet them in their study. You may come in. Or stay out, whatever floats your boat."

The little boy steps back to let them in. As Mark and sicheng head up the stares Sicheng said, "last time I checked boats floated on water but ok."

They opened the study also known as Baekhyun office.
They took a seat in the chair strategically placed right in front of Baekhyun's desk.

"So what the plan?" Taeyong was more excited than anyone to hear what the two was planning. You see Mark and sicheng hinted a to taeyong that something big might happen soon.

"Well we are planning on proposing to yuta." Mark starts. His hearts warmed at that thought of finally calling yuta his officially calling yuta his.

Yuta was that special to both sicheng and Mark they knew that wanting to marry yuta and make a three way marriage sounds like the craziest thing anyone could ever think of, yet here they are.

"You guys do know that

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