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"What do you mean by she had a few days to live, she's fine!" Yuta  was almost pulling his hair out. "You brought me down here to meet my dead uncle's ex wife? I had a wedding I left!"

"Yuta please calm down." No matter how much they told him to calm down he couldn't. How could he be so reckless? No how could they. Did they not know how much he went through just to get back to Japan as fast as he could? "He started to feel bad for leaving Mark at the wedding now. 

"I'm so stupid." Yuta flopped down on the couch. He couldn't do anything else but to just let out his frustration in tears. He rushed all the way to Japan for what? He feared not having enough time with his mother. Yet his mother wasn't even there. 

Yuta called his mother to see where exactly she was so he could take her out for the night before heading back to Chicago tomorrow. "Mama, where are you? I want to take you out for...m"

"Yuta I was going to treat you but you're not here in Chicago. Where are you?" Yuta's mouth went dry. 

"Wait, you're in Chicago?"

"Yes I was going to miss the first part of your wedding but I was going to make it just in time to see you cut the cake." Yuta rubbed his face with pure agitation and anger. He was going to personally rip out both of these bastard tonsils for basically dragging him away from his wedding. 

"I'm in Japan, I thought you were sick so I caught a plane all the way out here." Yuta explained. I'm on my way back. He stood up. He was about to hang up but his mother's voice stopped him from pressing the red button. 

"I haven't been six in almost two years. Yuta you know that honey." Yuta again felt extremely stupid. "I'm sorry but your doctor sai..."

"I fired that doctor honey. She was  talking about stealing your uncle's inheritance from you." It finally clicked in Yuta's head. "I'm on my way back now. Love you mom. And please tell Mark I'm so sorry and I will make it up to him later." 

"Tell him yourself. Mark, come get the phone." Yuta heard his mother yell to his lover. 

Yuta's heart broke as he heard the sniffling on the other line. "Where are you? Are you safe."


"Look if you think I'm moving too fast I will slow down just for you. Please just come back." Yuta hated himself for doing this. Mark was his everything. 

"Mark, I will explain everything. Until then I will tell you that I love you and you're perfect." He could tell that he made Mark smile by his words. "No one or anything will replace how you make me feel ok. I'm on my way back so get some rest."  Yuta made kissing noises on the phone before hanging up.  

He walked out of his house and made his way back to the airport.

"When is he coming? It's been a week?" Mark was a mess. It's been roughly a week since he last talked to yuta. He knows he wasn't crazy because yuta said he was coming back, but where is he? 

"Don't worry. We are looking for him." Baekhyun's voice made Mark feel a little better. It was circulating on the news now of Yuta's disappearance. Everyone was looking for his lover, and he knows that it's patience that he should have right now more than ever.

"Thank you." Mark said before hanging up the call. Wherever Yuta was he hoped he was fine and not hurt. 

Turning around in his skinny chair in his office Mark was able to look at all of the whole city. 

Mark doesn't won't to admit it but he fears that there are people still out there that blames him and his friend group for Jackson's death even though it's been ten years, well making eleven in December that was quickly approaching. 

It was only November. That explains the sudden nightmares yuta started to have. It happens every time Jackson's death anniversary rolls around. 

"Sir, your new assistant is here." Mark twirled facing back to the front of his desk. "Ok let her in."

When the woman walked in it made the hairs on the back of Mark's neck stand proud and tall. 

"Hello, nice to see you ms.choi." Mark reached his hand for the woman to shake. 

Surprisingly she shook his hand more firmly than he was ever expecting. She seemed so weird and off but he probably just thought that because she found her smile very creepy and terrifying. 

"Same to you mr.lee. I hope we get along just fine." She smiled even more creepily than the last.

But all Mark could do was to smile back at her. 

Mark was back from his long exhausting day. Most of his exhaustion came from him stressing about Yuta's disappearance. To tell you the truth he couldn't even take his mind off of it with pleasure because everytime he tried to he would picture yuta doing it, and then when he realized that it was all a part of his imagination he gets very sad.

"Where are you? Please come back. I need you." Mark stares at the picture  yuta as he continues to wish he was there. He wished that yuta could only know how much he missed him.

"You will stay here and die here. You will never see the light of day again. Because you killed my brother." A man crouched down next to yuta. He breathed next to his ear just making the Japanese even more angry.


"Jackson Wang is my brother. And you killed him almost eleven years ago." Yuta clenched his jaw and made his glassy eyes meet those diar and deadly eyes of what he assumes by the grey hair is older than him. 

"He deserved everything he got. I'm not sorry." Yuta whispers to himself. "I will ne...." yuta head cocked to the side as the man's fist connected with it. 

"Goodnight, sleep tight." Yuta let out his tears. He tried to wipe them but the ropes around his wrist. He twists and turns his wrist. But he got sad and even more broken. 

"Mark, I'm so sorry."

Sorry for not updating lady week. I will try and do a double update. Love you lots 💚💚💚
Also give me some ideas on what I can do to make this story interesting. I will greatly appreciate that.

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