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It was the day. Mark and sicheng was going to tell yuta how they felt. Mark planned everything out. In thirty minutes his hairdresser would be done dying his hair color to a chestnut brown. After that he was going to meet sicheng at the mall. Then after shopping for yuta they will go and put together a surprise confession party.

Knowing himself, Mark set alarms on his phone to remind him and keep him on schedule. After the thirty minutes Mark quickly pays the hairdresser and heads to Sicheng's house.

As he got closer to the house Mark dials Sicheng's number.
As the rings went by Mark was hoping that the older would pick up. "Sicheng?"

Mark cuss under his breath when he hears the voice-mail. "Mother fucker." He sped through the traffic gta style. In his mind his was going a million miles but in reality he was going at least sixty-five on the highway.

Mark tries calling the older up again. Hopefully he picks up because if he didn't he was going to kick sicheng where the sun didn't shine. No not his dick but his ass.

"Yes. Mark I'm ready." Sicheng could tell that Mark was fuming on the other end. The huffing and the puffing like the big bad wolf gave it all away.

"I'm pulling up in about two minutes. So be ready cause if not than I'm going to kick your ass." Mark chuckles when sicheng made a gasp on the other line.

"Really well for the person who is running two minutes behind you sure as hell is being bossy. " sicheng bite the inside of his cheek as he finished getting ready. "Well I will see you when you get here."

"Actually I'm pulling up now." Mark wasn't kidding when he said that he was pulling up in threw minutes. Sicheng runs out of his door. He locks up before jumping in on the passenger side of the car.

Mark sped off in the direction of his house. As he went passed all of the streets and their signs, Mark felt a sense of security. It wasn't because he had a cop, it's because the day was peaceful. Actually the last past couple of days were peaceful.

Mark took a short glance to sicheng before looking back on the road. If someone was to ask him right now if he was happy, he would happily say he'll no. But he couldn't complain about anything that was in his control.

Mark pulls in to his driveway and his nerves are at the all time high. He locks his door when he heard sicheng closes it. The freshly chestnut brunette walks in front of the blonde who was dressed so nicely. Mark almost felt underdressed going unto his home.

After walking they both took off their shoes and placed them in the shoe hold by the door. Mark and sicheng rushed into the kitchen and set everything up.

They had gotten all of yuta's favorite snacks and food prior so they didn't have to worry about it. Mark takes out yuta's favorite cake, he looks up when he heard foot steps coming down the stairs.

Yuta looked disheveled. His hair was a mess. His eyes red as a firetruck. His skin pale. Mark puts the cake down. He walks over to yuta with sicheng.

"Yuyu is something wrong?" Sicheng say in the most careful tone. He made sure to be the most approachable as he could.

Yuta smiles at them. "I couldn't sleep, that's all." Yuta smile just a little but then he frowns when he sees his favorite deserts on the table. He was more upset that they weren't in his tummy, or at least on their way.

Mark and sicheng both looked very nervous it wasn't that difficult to tell. As they stared at him with their orbs, yuta grew nervous. "What is it my clothes? I can change."  Yuta pulls at his long black shirt revealing his white basketball shorts that peeks from under.

Mark and sicheng shook their heads together. Yuta knew it was about time so he started first. "Yuta I love you. I know you probably don't feel the same way, but I still want you know."

Sicheng steps up. His classic black jeans and ocean blue collard shirt moves with his movement. The Chinese grabs yuta's slinder hands. "I too love you. I know it might seem stupid for me to even step to you. Maybe me even holding eye contact is considered stupid. But I want you to know you literally mean the world to me." Sicheng took in a nice breath before continuing his speech that he wrote and memorized.

"I can't let you walk out of my life. I need you for serotonin. If I could go back I wouldn't change a thing because it made me realize how important you are to me."

Yuta was taken aback. Here he stood still in his pajamas. Hair a mess. Don't let him get started on his attitude and his life. Yuta looks at Mark who was also in shocked at how much sicheng said.

"Like sicheng said. Losing you just made us realize how important you are to us." Mark walks closer to the Japanese, steps small and slowly. "If you don't love us back, that's fine but I want you to be aware that I will never stop wanting to protect you. I will always be here for you, even when it's clear as day you don't want me here." Mark spoke in such deliberate tone

Sicheng chimes in, "even if you want to bust a window because we won't leave you alone, I have many cars so go a head. They are replaceable but yuta you aren't. Your irreplaceable."

Yuta was blushing from ear to ear. His covers his face as he felt overjoyed. He didn't think he deserved anyone. He is a pest and disrespectful. He is disgusting, a pig. He was perplexed.

Mark and sicheng both pulls out something. Mark pulls out a ring, to be specific the exact wedding ring that yuta should have been wearing over a year ago. Sicheng pulls out the very first necklace that he had gotten for yuta. The thing was made from pure gold.

"Will you let us take care of you. Not guide you but be beside you." Mark's starts.

"Let us hold you and give you all of the love you deserves. Yuta wil you be our boyfriend?" Sicheng finish.

Yuta never stopped smiling or blushing. He steps to both to them. "Of course." Yuta wraps his arms around both of them. He was beyond excited. All of a sudden his sleepiness and anxiety wasn't as bad as before. "I love you guys too."

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